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{ hyewon }

"this is the place" minsoo said taking my hand into his and leading me up a flight of stairs

"why are you holding my hand?" i asked

"so you don't fall" he said as we got to a rooftop

"look at the view" i said as he over to the edge

"it's beautiful...be careful" i said as he sat on the edge

i care about bang minsoo? surely not right he used to be horrible to me until my dad passed...i've cared about him for years honestly

"what's so special about this place anyways?" i asked sitting down next to him

"it's the last place i spent with one of my best friends before he passed away" minsoo said looking at his feet

"i'm sorry for your loss" i said smiling at him

"it was around five years ago his name was kohyuk" minsoo said breathing deeply

"i trust you noh hyewon" minsoo said looking at me slightly teary eyed

"i'm terribly sorry for being a dick to you for so long...i know it hurt you, it hurt me too" he said

it hurt him too...what's that supposed to mean?

"i'm sorry for being a dick back minsoo" i said as the wind carried the tears out of my eyes

"can i cry?" i asked him

"of course you can, don't ask to cry" he said placing his arm around my shoulder, i leaned my head onto his shoulder and started to sob

"he was my first ever dad" i said inbetween sobs

"joe told me he was"

"i miss him more than ever"

"i know you do hyewon" he said stroking the back of my head

"me and joe have been siblings since we were three and now we're seventeen...that's a long time minsoo" i said crying harder

"i'm always here for you and joe...i know you might not like me but you should know i'm always here if you need to escape somewhere" he said rubbing his thumb on my shoulder

"thank you minsoo it means a lot" i replied wiping my tears

"look at me" he said placing his finger underneath my chin

"you're still so pretty" he said wiping my tears

he thinks i'm pretty...he likes me?...no of course not don't get your hopes up he hates you you know that noh hyewon he's just giving your sympathy...why can't he like me back i was only being horrible to him because he was being horrible to me

"you think i'm pretty?" i asked as more tears fell

"yeah you are a very pretty girl noh hyewon" he said tucking hair behind my ear

"thank you for making me feel better" i said smiling at him

"you're welcome hyewon" he said helping me to stand up

"do you want to get snacks from the convenient store?" he asked me also standing up

"i have no money on me minsoo" i sighed

"i'll pay don't worry" he said placing his hand onto my wrist and pulling me down the staircase.

fanta | bang minsooTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang