Bucky and Flora, after a brief stop in Wakanda, boarded a plane.

Flora glanced at Bucky with a panicked expression and he held her hand as he said softly, "I'm right here, doll."


Their plane landed in Delacroix, Louisiana.

They arrived at the docks and saw people unloading things, putting them close to the boat.

Flora looked for Sam and heard him say, "Tommy, Carlos, man, this is amazing." He chuckled. "Thanks so much, man."

"Look..." Carlos began.

"Thanks, y'all."

"Hey, look, word goes out the Wilson family needs help?"

"Yes, sir," a man said.

"We still got a bit of usefulness in us."

"How do we get it off the truck?"

Bucky grabbed a crate from the back and a man cried, "Oh!"

As Bucky set the crate down, he said, "You're welcome."

Sam glanced at Flora, who was holding a sniffing Alpine. "Did someone call you two?"

Flora shook her head. "Nah, we're just dropping something off."

Bucky placed the case on the back of the truck. "You can sign for it and we'll go. Flor and I called in a favor from the Wakandans."

Before Sam could say anything, a hose came loose on the boat and a loud hissing sounded.

Sarah quickly made her way to her brother and called, "Sam!"

Sam ran to the boat and grabbed a wrench, trying to tighten the hose.

"Hi," Bucky greeted, waving to Sarah.

"Hi," Sarah replied in a bright tone.

Flora narrowed her eyes and Bucky kissed her temple, chuckling softly before saying, "You're my girl, Flora. You know that."

Bucky and Flora walked up to Sam and the older Super Soldier said, "Hold on, hold on. You gotta go up."

Flora grabbed the wrench from Sam and tightened the hose.

As soon as the hissing stopped, Flora dropped the wrench to her side with a proud smile as she said, "Bucky's taught me to fix things like this. It's fun to learn."

Sam looked between Flora and the hose before asking, "Why didn't you use the metal arm?"

Bucky chucked softly and said, "Well... She is right-handed."

Flora looked at her left hand and added, "I don't always think of it immediately." Sam chuckled and Bucky smiled softly.

"So, this is the boat, huh?"

"This is it." Sam leaned against the box below the hose.

Bucky nodded and looked around again. "It's nice."

"You want any help?" Flora asked, setting Alpine down. "From both of us?"

"Yeah," Sam replied as he walked to the front of the boat.

Sarah walked up to the boat and Bucky smiled before saying, "I'm Bucky." He gestured to the redhead. "This is Flora. Somewhere around is her cat Alpine. She's gotta be kept safe."

"Ah, Sarah," Sam's sister replied with a smile.

Flora smiled. "It's nice to meet you, Sarah."

Bucky nodded. "Sarah."

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