"No need to be that stimulated, you come to Paramount, I will hand you over the Mecha"

Jyn languidly spoke seeing the speecless burning youth.

Grill got the second place prize while the Mithioga race got the third place prize.

The Mithioga race who have white hair turn stiffly towards Jyn.

"I was the one to first snatch a card"

His word seem to meant something.

Jyn arc her brow, provocatively glancing back at him "And?"

So what if he became the first person to take the card. It all depends on who choose what card.

The Mithioga race open and close his mouth a few times but finally close it completely.

Those provocatove gaze said all what needed to be said 'So what?'

He then quickly pick up his frame of mind even though he was truly unwilling.

At last he finally couln't stop himself from saying a few word.

"My luck have always been good. I really don't understand how I got the third place card"

The Mithioga race have a suspicious expression. None will be more sure of his heaven-defying luck than himself.

'But the Zerg will not cheat and let that Melora race deliberately win'

He have a rather special innate trait, he can detect a lie, cheat, anomaly...

In simple word, he can detect negativity.

And he did not feel that.

Jyn glance at him, giving him a look over from the upper body to the lower body.

This person, he is filled with abundant positive energy.

It was comparable to the enormous negative energy that encompass Ari.

It was as if all the luck and positive energy of the universe have been concentrated on him and Ari the opposite.

Jyn squint her eyes, lost in thought..

Her eyes clouded over.

Seeing the silver hair Mithioga race brooding things over on how his luck failed him, Jyn smile unamusedly and open her mouth.

"What luck or unluck?, I have an ability that could negate energy of extreme. If you are a lucky person, your extreme luck have been balanced out once you are beside me. Of course, there are those intense extreme that I could balance only the minor but not the major"

Jym wave her hand, no longer in the mood to explain.

The silver hair Mithioga race eyes flash a strange light.

His chaotic thought miraculously stabilize in an instance.

He nodded in appreciation.

"So that must be it" Sigh... "You are really amazing My Queen~"

Eccentuating the word 'My Queen', a bright smile hung on his dazzling face.

Jyn just gave him a dead pan expression.

Jyn announced the reward ceremony will be held the next day at Paramount.


There are two couple watching intently at the holographic scene.

The wife with great difficulty turn towards her husband, her lips trembling.

"Hu-Husband.. O-Our Son.. The Mecha... First Place"

I'm a very hardworking Queenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें