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"Who are you?" Ask jongho.

"I am tarisha." Answer tarisha.

They were sitting in san's office with jongho on his brother chair with full authority as after san and in absence of seonghwa, he was the ruler.

Yunho and mingi standing/sitting on either side eyeing tarisha who was holding sam's hand, both couple sitting on the chairs across jongho.

"Okay,.. say." Jongho stops as he leans forward with his hands intertwined in front of him on tabel. He looks in both sam and tarisha eyes. His eyes turn red showing his wolf is demanding this.

Sam eyes also shine bright red with tarisha eyes glowing yellow.

Jongho continues.

"How come, you two suddenly appear again? After, so many years?"

"Your suspiciouness is one hundred percent true. And I appreciate you for this, young alpha." Started sam, who talks with full authority as well staring back in jongho's eyes.

"I was traped by your mother."

"Tell us." Demand jongho.



"Prince sam! The enemy are going back!"

Sam smirks as he looks at his beta aka kalri who smirks back and nods at sam.

Sam gives back the nods and turns to his delta aka Ferous, Who smiles at him also.

"We win my prince." Ferous smiles wider.

"Ofcouse, we did ferous. Ofcouse we did." Kalri replied this time and walks to sam and pats his shoulder looking at him with proudness.

"We afterall had a such strong alpha."

Ferous nods and also interrupt with a,

"Of couse! Omega tarisha is so lucky to have you prince sam!"

Sam smiles faded for a sec before he suddenly looks down with a blush.

"Oh My Oh! Ferous! Tell me I am dreaming. The Alpha. THE PRINCE SAM ALPHA! Is blushing!!" Kalsi teased.

Ferous laugh.

"I wish I could tell you that mister.kalsi."

Just then they heard a explosion making all of them frown and after a glance at eaxh other runs outside.

To find, that enemy had again attacked and are now have surrounded them from all sides.

"Prince sam!!" Sam soilders called for him as he start ordering them. After that he turns to kalsi and ferous who were as clueless as him and also engaging in the fight.

But, alas they were losing after winning. It looks like they were attacked again but they already win again and the worst thing was, they didn't know these enemies and it was sudden and also, the bombs are not helping.

The enemy were too much in number. Both alpha, beta and delta watch their close friends and soilders die on the battlefield while fighting with bravery.

"What is this all ferous! Didn't I told you to watch out!?" Sam yelled at the poor delta who shurg back after slaughtering one of the enemy member and answer back.

"I didn't know, prince sam! I made sure there was no one!" Suddenly, all ferous face colour faded as her eyes widen more in size looking something behind sam and kalsi making both looks at there as well and same thing happen to them as.. amidst of the whole, jim-ah comes with hand in hand with their enemy.

Blood moon~~- woosan. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now