Chapter 4:The Devils lullaby

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*Loona pov*
I wake up in the middle of night and I go to grab a beer from the fridge but,as I walk past Y/N room I hear him strumming a guitar,I peak through the crack in the door,I hear him hum and then he starts singing

Shining in the darkest dark
His eyes pierce the night
His breath is sharp as copper
Stinging my soul I can't survive

He saw me,I'm running
My screams are feeding his hunger
I hooked you,your bleeding there's
No escape from my hunger

Death is not an escape~
Your hiding your fears under moonlight
Your face is a disgrace
And your all gonna be dead by daylight
*Lonna smiles as he listens to him singing,it is both gentle and quiet and dark and cruel*

He puts the guitar down,and goes into the corner of the room,all of a sudden a portal opens like how we use the grimoire "What the fuck" I whisper and as he enters I immediate follow  him through.

*Y/N Pov*
Ah home sweet home,I think as I enter,Evan welcomes me home and he gives him a hug."How were your travels father" Evan asks,I smile and say fantastic and then he asks if I found the person I charish,I blush and say "yes but we haven't really started to date per say,we Actually are going on our first one Tomorrow.Evan smiles

"You sly motherfucker"

*Loona Pov*

I followed him through and I am met with him talking to a guy machete in hand,hooks protruding  from his body covered  in scars and blood.I hear Y/N and this guy if you can even call it that.

Loona sneezes in to a scream and Evan and Y/N turn around

"Oh fuck its seen me and he comes over and slashes at me" Y/N rushes over and tells him to stop and it does.

Now all I wanna know
What is this place
And what these things are

Queen of Torment (DBD x Helluva boss/loona X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now