Lady Tremaine- Cate Blanchett

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✨Italic writing- Lady Tremaine
Bold writing- You
Italic and bold writing- Ella
Underlined writing- Anastasia
Underlined and bold writing- Drizella

You and your best friend Ella were going on a walk out in the woods
Hey do you want to come back to my home?
Oh um sure okay whos there
Me and sadly my two step sisters and step mother
Oh do you not like them?
Nope I'm basically a slave to them they make me do ALL the house work and I get fed very little and have to sleep in the attic
Oh I'm sorry, hopefully they like me though
Okay let's go
You and Ella go back to her house and she knocks at the big doors and you see a tall, graceful, ginger-haired lady open them
She was gorgeous
Ella, hmm your back I see, you took long enough
Sorry Ma'am this is my friend y/n, we were on a walk together out in the woods
Hmmm, y/n? Pretty name, come in
You and Ella walked in through the doors and followed her step mother into the large living room
Ella, stand there, y/n sit here next to me
You both obeyed, Ella stood next to the door and you sat next to her step mother
Emm, excuse me but what's your name
You can call me Lady Tremaine
ELLA!! Go do your work here's your list of things to do
Ella looked at the list of 30 jobs to do
Yes Lady Tremaine
WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU!! It's ma'am to you
Sorry Ma'am
Ella left the room and off she went working her little heart out
Now, little one, what are you doing hanging out with a girl like Ella
Shes nice, she cares for me and I don't have many friends, actually Ella is my only friend and I'm very grateful, she had stuck with me for all these years now
Oh darling, well I can be your friend
She flicked her tounge when she said the word friend which gave you butterflies and made you blush
Oh darling, do I make you blush?
What!? Me!? Nooooo
Hmhmhm, are you sure now?
Okay maybe you do, but only a bit
Lady Tremaine giggled at your awkwardness
You both talked for ages, it had been 3 hours
Oh my darling it's been so long your parents will be worried sick
Oh my parents don't care, they probably don't even know I've gone out they will be drunk and they always are
No, I don't want you being around them if they are drunk just stay the night
Are you sure, I mean I can just sleep on the sofa
God no, I'll find somewhere for you, go find Ella and tell her to make the dinner
Okay I can help
No, your not a slave darling
You were confused but you shrugged it off and went to find Ella
Jesus y/n I'm here
Your step mother said you have to make the dinner but I can help
No no, don't worry yourself go have fun in the garden
Okay, by the way Lady Tremaine said I can stay the night
Okay love, I'll call yous in half an hour or so
You went out to the garden on swung on the swing reading the book Lady Tremaine gave you
You assumed you were on your own but little did you know, the beautiful red-head was watching you amused from the window with little puppy eyes
What are you doing mum?
Just looking out the window
We know your staring at y/n
Shes so beautiful
It isn't illegal though shes 19
Hush children, go entertain yourselves
Both of the girls went outside and tapped on each one of your shoulders
Hello, can I help you
I'm Anastasia
Are you the step sisters?
Yes we need to tell you something
Okay go ahead
We think our mother is kind of in love with you
You see her staring at you through the window and she looks away when she noticed she got caught
No, she just likes me as a sort of a motherly way
No, I think it's a bit more than that but if you do become our step mother, dump Ella and we will be friends
You were a bit shocked but laughed together then they both kissed you on each cheek and walk back inside
You all sit at the table apart from Ella
This is how you four sat at the dinner table together
Anastasia and Drizella 
You and Lady Tremaine
About bloody time, right you can go now Ella
You all finish your dinner and you feel very full and sick
You excused yourself and ran to the bathroom to throw up
I'm sorry ma'am I didn't mean to
Lady Tremaine was so worried so she dragged Ella to the attic and ran to check on you
Anastasia and Drizella were already by your side rubbing your back
Girls please leave, leave this to me
They both left and the red-head bent down and rubbed your back until you stopped
I am so sorry ma'am
Don't you dare apologise my darling here take some mouthwash
You gurgled the mouthwash and spat it out in the sink
Come with me let's get you to bed
Truthfully, Lady Tremaine never found you a room so she just decided to put you in her bed with her
Here I have some mint chocolate to help with the stomach and a hot water bottle, now do you need anything else?
No thanks you've already done so much for me, thank you so much
Your most welcome now eat up and get some rest ill be back later to check up on you then I'll come back to come to bed at 9 also I may also send one of the girls up aswell
Thank you so much I couldn't be any more grateful
Lady Tremaine gave you a kiss on your forehead then left and shut the door halfway so if she comes in or sends someone up, then they won't wake you if you are asleep
You eat the chocolate and read your book and the sickness dies down a bit but you have a slight headache
Can I come in?
Yes of course, come in
Anastasia came in and sat next to you
How are you feeling?
No more sickness but I have a headache
I'll get my mother to get you some medicine
Thank you love
Anastasia leaves and comes back with Lady Tremaine
Take this darling it will help get rid of the headache
You take the paracetamol and she takes your hand and kisses your palm
Look at you two, such love birds
Shut up Anastasia
Aww, leave her she had a point I saw you through the window you know
Lady Tremaine went a bright red and Anastasia giggled
I'm gonna leave you two alone now
Anastasia left and Lady Tremaine got into bed with you
Well today had been a roller coaster of a ride hasn't it
Yes but I got to spend it with you so that's okay
Still got eyes for Ella?
No I think she purposely done something to my meal
Probably, goodnight my little dove
Goodnight my guardian angel
And you both fell asleep tangled in eachother.

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