(Semi edited) Before I do anything

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"YES! Y/N we are so outta here" Jim screamed excitedly as the boat started working.

"Ah aren't yous the seventh wonder of the universe" a booming voice called from behind.

We turned our heads to be met with silver.

Jim quickly pulled me behind him and grabbed the sword from captain Flint and pointed it towards silver.
"Get back!"

"Get lost silver, don't you think you've done enough?" I yelled from behind Jim.

"I like yer lads, but I've come too far to let yous stand in between me and my treasure"

Suddenly one of the purple lasers hit the ship and we toppled over, I fell passed and over but silver caught me before I could fall further, unfortunately Jim fell over and through the floor, he grabbed onto a piece of metal that stuck out.

"JIM!" I scrambled to the end and outstretched my hand
"Here reach for my hand"

He held out his hand but we couldn't make it touch
"I can't!"

"Oh no you don't!" Silver screamed towards the ship filled with treasure that kept drifting away, he grabbed so to the boat that was now splitting in half and pulled it towards himself.

Morph flew towards silver and started to gesture towards Jim situation.
"Jimbo!" He said worriedly.

"Y/N I can't reach" Jim said defeatedly.

Tears filled my eyes the only hope I had was silver, I turned to him slowly.
"Silver please help"

Seeing the desperation in my eyes silver leaned over to help.

"Reach for me now! Reach" he yelled also outstretching his hand.

"I- I can't" Jim cried.

Suddenly the metal Jim was holding onto closed making him fall further down.

"JIM!" I shrieked louder. I've already lost my brother I wasn't going to lose the person closest to me.

Luckily he caught onto something else. but he was struggling and he wouldn't be able to hold on much longer. I felt useless Jim was just hanging there and I couldn't do anything about it.

"Oh blast me for a fool!"
Making a tough decision silver let go of the boat and rushed over to Jim's aid.

At the same time Jim fell and I let out a cry, silver caught him by the hand just in time.

Silver swung Jim back up and I quickly pulled Jim into a bone crushing hug that made him stumble. I sobbed into his chest.

He hugged me back tightly. "I was so worried" I said between sobs.

"Hey I'm ok! It'll take a lot more than that to get rid of me" he lightly laughed. I hugged him tighter.

We watched as the boat we planned to escape on burst into flames.

The three of us quickly got ran out the exist.

"Silver you gave up?" Jim asked.

"Just a life long obsession Jim, I'll get over it"

Amelia and Delbert quickly came to our rescue.

"Hurry people! We got exactly two minutes and thirty four seconds till planet's destruction" B.E.N yelled worriedly.

Amelia who was to Injured to drive the ship herself, was telling Delbert what to do.
"You're doing fine doctor now ease her over gently- gently!"

The ship tilted towards us so we would be able to climb in. Jim got in first and quickly pulled me up before the two of us helped silver up.

Cabin boy, Jim Hawkins x reader Where stories live. Discover now