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Recap:Madhurima suddenly stops not making Sakshi wear


Madhurima:this is our ancestral bangle..i thought i would

Give it..(she stops there)

Madhurima keeps the bangle there and tends to leave..

She suddenly stops and turns and looks at sakshi..

Madhurima:Sakshi..i will always say one thing only follow

Your heart..i still know for whom that heart beats..if you take

The steps towards mandap then you will be probably ruining

Two lives  with your stupid misunderstanding and decision..

Saying this Madhurima leaves from there..Sakshi gets

Tears..she looks at bangle..


Sakshi hugs Aniket from back and she breaks hug and

Aniket turns..they both smiles looking at each other.. suddenly

She hears her name on the mike by Vivaan..

Vivaan:Sakshi..i would want you to come to stage please..

Sakshi looks confused and leaves from there..Aniket follows

Her..she stands near Vivaan..

Sakshi:Vivaan..what happened???

Vivaan suddenly kneels down and holds rose....

Vivaan:ms Sakshi i love you..will you marry me..????

Aniket and sakshi gets shocked..everyone cheers them and claps..

Sakshi's pov,

What the hell is this..?should i smile at the fact that my crush

Proposed me when i have feelings for my best friend and should

I cry for the fact the Aniket noticed this..

Her pov ends..she looks at Vivaan and then Aniket..she

Sees aniket leaving from there angrily.. minute..

She runs searching Aniket..

Sakshi in mind:where did he went..?why every time Aniket

Doesn't let me to explain..

Sakshi's pov,

I was searching for Aniket and suddenly turned to look

At the scene which really broke my heart..Aniket is kissing

A girl..what is this..???

Sakshi gets tears and looks at them..the girl leaves from there

Breaking the kiss and Aniket gets shocked seeing Sakshi



Sakshi with tears:no need..i dont want to hear your

Explanation in the same way you never listen mine..i had

Eyes and i can witness..i was really mad that I believed you

Loved me but many times will you keep on

Breaking my heart Aniket..

At this point she holds aniket's collar..Aniket tends to

Speak but she doesn't listen which makes him angry..

Aniket:so I too have eyes and i too believe that you love Vivaan..

I too believed that you love me but keep on giving

Me hints by being with Vivaan but i was stupid and i didnt


Sakshi slaps him hard making Aniket realise what he spoke..

Sakshi:you fool..i loved you but you didn't understood..

Anyways now i hate you and i don't love you anymore..

She turns and starts leaving from there with tears and Aniket

Starts numb..soon it starts raining and he breaks down..

After sometime,

Sakshi comes to aniket's house to meet her parents..she

Sees Vivaan and his parents and her family looking dull..

Vivaan:i said that i love you sakhi..Madhurima aunty

Arranged meeting with your it's your decision..

Aniket comes there and sees them..both Sakshi and aniket look

At each other with blood shot eyes..

Sagar:Sakshi..would you like to marry..???

Sakshi looks at Aniket making everyone confuse..

Sakshi:papa..from my childhood I never took my decision was Aniket who always took decision of mine and got

Me best..i will see today how my bestfriend gets me best..

Aniket looks at her..

Aniket:Vivaan is best for sakshi and even they both love

Each other..

Listening it Sakshi looks at him with tears..she nods yes and

Vivaan hugs her happily..Aniket leaves from there..

Days passes and finally it was wedding day...

Flashback ends..

Someone knocks the door and sakshi opens to find Simran

And jay..they look so dull not so happy with this marriage..

Sakshi: anything you want to say at last..

Simran:nothing and it's not correct time too..but want to

Say a  best book named prince of a girl dreams was regretting

and waiting For her to accept..

Sakshi looks at Simran in astonishment way..she tends to

Say but arthi comes and takes Sakshi to downstairs..Vivaan

Smiles at sakshi and Sakshi smiles back reluctantly..she sits

Beside Vivaan and she looks at Madhurima and recalls her


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