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Recap:Aniket leaves to follow Sakshi..


Sakshi reaches aniket's house and sakshi's family was also


Arthi:look Sakshi..iam so happy you are here and you came

At correct time as we are fixing marriage date with pandit jii..

Sakshi:no need of it..better you need to know who was the

Bride and keep muhurat...

Sagar:what are you saying sakshi..?

Sakshi:papa I think here everyone have ears and heard

Correct..change the bride to fix the muhurat as I and Aniket

Doesn't love each other and Aniket was dating someother..

Everyone gets shocked..

Madhurima:then why do Sara said like that...??

Sakshi breaks into tears and tells them about there plan..

Arthi:you stooped so low could you cheat us..

Why can't you say on that day only and itself..

Arthi tends to slap Sakshi suddenly Aniket holds her hand..

Aniket:aunty mistake is mine too..I only asked her to do

Something break the alliance..

Sakshi:don't you dare to save me as I can save myself..

Aniket looks at Sakshi..who doesn't look at him...

Sagar:but how could you both do this..for a minute we

Thought you both love each other and thought we are

Stupids to not to see your love and to fix alliance with someone..

Madhurima:Aniket..what is this..?why can't you say when

You don't like Sara to me..?why did you made fun of


Aniket: because of you and only because of you..I was feared

For commitment and even got feared that I keep on pushing

Some feelings (he looks at Sakshi and continues)your broken

Marriage impacted me so much that..I was insecured that one

Day the girl I marry also may leave me..did you ever asked

What is need???did you ever asked my opinion before fixing

My alliance with you better don't dare to question me!

Sakshi slaps him..everyone gets shocked..

Sakshi:she is your mom I thought atleast you respect her..

But don't know the truth..yes I will agree there relation

Impacted you..but do you know what there relation mean

To them???do you know about there love..

Aniket stands dumb..

Sakshi:aunty..please reveal it..I can't bear when him who

Doesn't deserve to be your son speaks something against you..

He isnt a child anymore as he himself started growing and

Himself started taking own decisions without the support of

The one who is with him...

Sakshi indirectly mocks Aniket and Aniket understands it..


Adaa: finally Aniket because yours..

Riya:but iam still insecured as once again Sakshi comes

Close to him..he will definitely leave me..

Adaa:don't became close there must be no distance

Between us..I will keep on creating distance between them

That eventually they tare apart and none of them will involve

In each other's lives..

Riya:thank you so much adaa...

Adaa smirks and thinks..

Adaa in mind:I will do anything and will go any extent to

Make that Sakshi bad..bechari Riya..she is coming into my

Words and indirectly helping me to make that Sakshi bad..


Aniket looks at Madhurima..Madhurima suddenly holds

Her chest and falls down..everyone gets shocked and

Runs towards her....

Sagar:I think she suffered heartattack..

Everyone rushes to hospital and doctor takes her into

Operation theatre..

Sakshi:iam warning you Aniket..if anything happens to are the responsible..

Arthi consoles Preeti and reeti..Aniket stands without

Uttering a single word..

Precap:past revelation...

               STAY TUNED!!!

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