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Chapter 1


Rosenthal came into Vaughn's office in a state of stress. He was one of Vaughn's right-hand men and he saw him anything but Calm.

"I am sorry to bother you sir but my babies went missing. I need help I do not know what happen to them. They are just gone."

Vaughn had remembered when Rosenthal, and his wife announced the arrival of their twins. He and Arianna had brought them a gift honoring the twin's arrival. But he had never seen the babies personally. Who could have taken them? His story was not making sense. He needed him to calm down and retell his tale.

"Sit down and tell me what happened and I will find someone to help. Just take a breath and calm down enough to tell me your story."

Rothenthal did as his boss had told him. He took a deep breath and then began to tell him his woes.

"Earlier today Betty went out and left the twins behind. I decided to go and take a peek at them and in their place I found two China Dolls in the crib. When I asked Betty she said someone must have taken them and replaced them with the dolls. I just do not know what to do since no one asked for anything in exchanged for my children. Can we call her in?"

Vaughn knew who he was asking him to call in. She was not under his supervision. She was under Othello's, she was strictly undercover. Not even his little brother Victor who was Othello's second knew of her involvement in Crown business. She worked with the War office from time to time but Othello had her under his forces. He knew this would cost her the privacy, she cherished, but children were involved. There would be no choice the stakes were too high. He knew if his mother found out he was working with Lee she would be furious with him. He would deal with that if the time came. Someday his mother was going to have to get over her fury at her father who had another daughter with someone who was not her mother. The anger was petty and ridiculous and needed to stop.

"I can ask if she is available. I will go and talk with Othello now and see if I can arrange it."

Vaughn went to the home office to talk with Simon and see if they could help Rosenthal. Simon was sitting behind his desk going over some papers.

"I hate to interrupt your Grace but one of my men needs Pandora's help. Is she available?"

Simon laughed one would think Vaughn would know if she was available more so than he. Or was this his way of telling him he was going to take her and put her to work.

"I have no use of her skills right now. I heard your Uncle is insisting she have her first season. So it would have to work around that or I think your Uncle would take you all to the wood shed."

Vaughn laughed. His uncle was only ten years older than he was. They had never been close as children. When they got older they became friends without his mother knowing. Vaughn's mother was Fenton's older sister. She had never forgiven her bother for being born and killing their mother. Of course he did not kill her she died giving birth, but his mother refused to forgive him.

"I think we can work around the season after all Fenton is not excited to get rid of her. Unlike my mother he is rather fond of her."

"I will call her in and you can explain the case to her. She will tell you if she is up to the task or not. She is most capable of assessing if her skills work or not."

No more than two hours later Lee was sitting in a room surrounded by five men. Two she was related to, and Simon, but the other two she had know clue who they were. One of them was handsome but he was brooding and did not get along with anyone. Someone she should stay away from.

It was Victor who was the first one to say anything since he had no idea why Lee was there.

"What's Pays doing here?"

She shot back to the surprise to the three men who were not related to her.

"Be quiet Victor I do not want to hear your sass, and do not call me Pays. My Name is Lee."

"Your name is Lee like my name is John."

"Vaughn make him stop."

Vaughn laughed. Victor had never grown up even though he himself was a father he was still a child.

"Victor stop."

"What it's true her name is not Lee.'

"Can you just respect she would like to be called Lee."

Victor who did not liked to be called out by his older brothers grumbled.


Then he was quiet he did want to learn why his aunt was there. Simon introduced everyone.

"Lady Blythe you know Victor and Vaughn. Let me introduce you to Lord Rosenthal and The Duke of Heresford Jackson Yardley. Now that everyone knows each other Lord Rosenthal please tell the Lady your problems. She needs to assess if her skills will be of any help."

"Earlier today Betty she is my wife went out and left the twins behind. I decided to go and take a peek at them. In their place I found two China Dolls in their crib. When I asked Betty she said someone must have taken them and replaced them with the dolls. I just do not know what to do since no one asked for anything in exchanged for my children."

"Do you have any enemies my Lord?"

"None that I know of my Lady."

"Does anyone know of your service?"

They all were shocked at her assessment. She explained.

"I do not think Vaughn would have called me in if you were not importaint to him or worked closely with him."

"I do not think any one knows of my connection to the war office. I am very careful to use secret entrances in public places. My wife does not even know. I think she feels I spend most of my days drinking at Whites."

She turned to talk with Simon.

"I will need someone to help me who knows people in the more undesirable places. I am not afraid to go there but they will not talk with me."

"That is why Jackson is here. He will be in charge of getting information in areas you are not allowed to go. He will also be your protector."

She looked the Duke over and liked what she saw, and knew by his muscular built he could protect her. But who was going to protect her heart. He was the kind of man she found perfect. He had dark brown and brooding eyes. His clubbed back black hair was dreamy. It made him looked wild and dangerous. Victor interrupted.

"Would it not be better to place her under the protection of a woman?"

"I do not have any woman available and this case is urgent and we need to get out there soon so we do not lose any clues."

"Would you like to babysit me Victor?"

"Gads no, I was thinking maybe Elenore, call back Jo, or even Clara. Katie could protect her from anything."

Everyone laughed.

"I can not see Jacob letting her go and protect me while she is with child."

"Fine Jackson is the best choice. I am warrning you if you ruin her I expect you to take full responsibility."

"I have never touched an innocent and if I did I would do the honorable thing. You think so badly of me Victor?"

"No your Grace. I know you do not have the same reputation your brother had earned before his entrance into marital bliss."

All the men laughed it was true Jason had a reputation of being one of the worst rakes in London, but the princess put a stop to those days. Now he was a happily married man.

Lee turned to Jackson and smiled.

'Could you take me to Lord Rosenthal place now your Grace?"

Jackson make a mental note of being warry of her smile. It was quiet charming and did funny things to his thinking. 

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