Chapter Thirteen: Making It Out Alive

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Hawks POV
   It was almost the day, the day they were going to save Y/N. Hawks had managed to get his feathers into the base and get a good idea of what it was like inside it.
   It was particularly the night before the rescue mission. So, as he should, he decided to try to sleep earlier than usual. If he could fall asleep that is. Keigo had been laying in bed, tossing and turning for almost 3 hours now. No position was comfortable, and his brain just wouldn't shut up.
   As he was thinking of all the scenarios, good and bad, that could ensue tomorrow. Which was stressful, the amount of different outcomes and problems they might have to go through. But if he could get you out, oh he will try.

The next morning
   Keigo had managed to fall asleep, not for long before his alarm began screaming at him to wake up. He stretched as he remembered his mission.
He quickly launched himself out of the bed and grabbed his hero costume and slipped it on. The thoughts rushed through his head, some negative and some positive.
He then ran onto his balcony and flew off to the building where the other Pro Hero's were, anxious to get to the mission.
As all of the Pros left for the mission Mirko walked towards Keigo.
"We're gonna get her out of there, okay." Mirko set a hand on Keigo's shoulder reassuringly.
   Keigo sighed. "Alright, lets just hope she isn't very injured."
"Yeah, let's hope."
   The hero's continued to make their way to the LOV base.

   Y/N sighed, wishing she could scratch the many itches the ropes were causing her. She couldn't exactly tell what time of day or night it was, because of how heavily the only window in the room was tinted.
   She was truly exhausted, some of the many cuts and burns on her body were still stinging, despite them being made from hours to even days ago.
At this point she wasn't sure if anyone was coming to get her and Kyoka. She was trying not to lose hope but it was getting difficult.
   The base was almost dead silent. With the exception of Toga and Twice discussing something that Y/N couldn't make out what it was since their voices were muffled.
She gritted her teeth, trying to hear what the two villains were discussing. As expected she was unsuccessful.
   A quiet sigh escaped her mouth as she looked around the room the best she could. She winced, as some of the burns and cuts were stretched a little too much.
   She heard a loud bang, then a yell. Her head, which was hanging lower, whipped upward at the sudden loud noises.
What the hell?!
   "SHIT ITS THE HEROS!" Twice shouted.
Wait, The heros?!
   Y/N felt relieved and anxious at the same time, as she struggled even more in the ropes. She could hear all of them fighting.
   Quickly, the door to the room swung open revealing Hawks. He looked injured, pretty badly too.
   He quickly took a feather from his wings and cut the ropes keeping Y/N to the wooden chair. He grabbed her, embracing her in his arms. He quickly broke the tight hug.
   "I'm so glad your alive." Keigo said, panting lightly as he kept checking behind them.
Y/N gave him a weak smile. The longer she looked at the vermilion winged hero the more injuries she noticed on him.
   "Are you okay?" Y/N frantically asked.
   "Yeah let's just focus on getting you and your sister out."
   The two turned to walk out and began walking out of the room. But suddenly stopped at they noticed Toga in the doorway.
   "Where do you two think your going?" The blond haired girl let out a light giggle.
   Y/N gritted her teeth, she really couldn't stand anyone in the league. She felt a push and noticed Hawks had been the one to push her back. She opened her mouth about to speak, before noticing the reasoning of Hawks pushing out of the way.
   "Awww, your protecting her! How sweet." Toga had a psychotic smile plastered onto her face.
   "You might wanna stay back kid, this is gonna get ugly." Hawks said turning slightly to Y/N.
   Y/N nodded as she slowly backed away some more. Of course as usual she wasn't exactly happy that she was being so 'heavily guarded'. But she assumed that, maybe this time she should except the protection from the villains, considering her current state.
   She watched as Toga ran towards Hawks, wishing she could do something to stop them. Y/N watched as the fight continued on, it mostly consisted of Toga trying to stab Hawks and Hawks dodging her attacks.
   But, after a few minutes of dodging and attacking. Toga actually managed to get to Hawks.
   Y/N yelled. No specific word, just yelled. Hawks fell back from Toga's sharp blade slicing into the side of his abdomen. She noticed how much pain he was in and about exploded with a type of rage. It was difficult to get Y/N actually mad. Yeah she would act cocky and pissed often. But she was barely ever actually mad. But when she was it was a sight to see.
   Toga noticed her anger and smiled. "Look at that your great protector is down and wounded"
I really can't stand her
   Y/N ran at Toga, catching the villain off guard. She grabbed her knife out of her hand, unintentionally slicing part of Togas arm in the process. Punching her square in the face.
   Y/N herself was even surprised about the strength her punch had packed. As soon as she had actually processed her actions, Toga was laying on the floor, unconscious.
   She looked back over at Keigo, dropping the knife she had unarmed from Toga. She dropped to her knees. She gently cupped Keigo's pain twisted face in her hands.
I'm going to have to pick him up and take him out...
   "H-hey, Keigo." Y/N caught his attention. "I'm gonna get you out. Alright? We're gonna be fine."
   Y/N was having trouble believing her own words. She gently helped him up off the ground. She wrapped his arm around her shoulders, trying to keep him on his feet.
   They got out of the base, to be flooded by the sight of paramedics, police, and more Pros.
   "He's gonna need an ambulance." Y/N stated.
   "Alright they're  over there." A police told her, pointing in the direction of one of the many ambulances."You should go with him."
   "Alright, and is my sister Kyoka alright?" Y/N asked.
   " the moment she is being taken to the hospital." The police offer informational her.
   "Okay." Y/N and Keigo walked over the the ambulance, getting inside of it.

(A/N I probably won't be uploading as much do to school sorry 😅 <3)

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