Chapter Three: The fall

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Y/N walked away from the doors with the two heroes. She got a few odd looks from the people around her, most likely since she was a civilian walking around with two Pro Heroes.
Y/N, Hawks and Mirko ended up finding one of the many tables and sat down at it.
"So, Y/N." Mirko looked at her old friend." Did your sister get into UA?"
"Yeah, Kyoka got into UA, main hero course class actually." Y/N replied.
"Thats cool, I wonder if I'll be able to work with her one day." Mirko said.
"That would be kinda cool if she would work with you, not saying that she will."
   "So, how's the music career thing going?" Mirko asked curiously."I noticed one of your newer songs is a pretty big hit."
   "Yeaaaah..." Y/N put her hand on the back of her neck.
   "I noticed it was a 'lovey dovey song', is it a bout a special someone?" Mirko asked, a small smirk on her face.
   "What?! No, I was bored and decided to write it!" Y/N snapped.
   She heard Hawks chuckle under his breath." Oh stop laughing Birdbrain."
   Mirko laughed at the name Y/N had given Hawks as Hawks just sat there looking at Y/N." Okay, now that one kinda hurt." Hawks had a small pout on his face. Y/N couldn't help but think it was kind of adorable.
   Mirko just laughed harder." Okay but how were you actually offended by being called 'birdbrain'?"
   "I'm a bird human...and I'm not stupid."
   Mirko and Y/N laughed even harder and the crimson winged hero. Hawks' golden eyes looked away from the two girls.
Okay but why is he so adorable when he's like that
Y/N continued to laugh with Mirko. After both Mirko and Y/N stopped dying of laughter Mirko sighed.
"Hey I'm gonna go get something to drink, you guys wanna come?" Mirko questioned her two friends.
"Yeah, sure I guess." Y/N replied to the rabbit eared hero.
"Yeah I'll come too." Hawks said as the three of them stood up.
They began walking to the location of the drinks. As the were walking a woman in an incredibly tacky teal dress walked in front of Y/N. Y/N began walked and tripped over a small part of the dress that hadn't been pulled along with the woman the entire way.
As she fell she felt a hand grab her wrist and another grab her waist. She looked up to see Hawks who had caught her.

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