Chapter 2: Breakfast

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I wake up to hearing noise in the kitchen. I walk out of my room and try to adjust my eyes to the light. I finally see Ryan in the kitchen. He turns around and says, "You know you have no food?" "Yes, I have to go to the grocery store. Emma still sleeping?" "Yes she likes her sleep." I walk over to the couch and plop on it and say,"Same." He sits on the other side of the couch and Emma comes out of the room. "Why do you people have to be so loud?" Emma said while rubbing her eyes. "Well good morning sunshine." She looked at Ryan like ' I hate you ' I just laughed. Emma sat right between me and Ryan she asked, "What time is it?" "Nine O' clock." "Ugh I better go home and get ready for work. bye." As she was hugging us, "Bye have fun at work. Talk to you later?" "Yes for sure." She closes the door and Ryan just yells out, "want to go out for breakfast?" "Sure but I have to get groceries and get ready." "I have to get ready too so text me when you are done and I will pick you up." "Okay!" As soon as he left I walk into my room and go to my closet to get a sweatshirt because it is cold here and then jeans. When going in the shower and feeling the hot water hit me made me relax. When I got out of the shower I see a handwritten note on my mirror ' Hey! I'm so happy that you finally moved to NC! -Ryan ' I laughed reading that especially with his awful handwriting. I got ready and I put my hair in the bun because I really didn't want to take 45 minutes just to dry my hair. When I was pretty much done I text Ryan: ' Hey I'm done you can pick me up whenever. ' Ryan then answers back ' Okay on my way! ' I do my last minute touches. When getting everything together that I needed to bring I hear my phone vibrate it was Ryan, 'I'm here!' I walk downstairs and get in his truck. As soon as I get in I hear pop music I just start to cringe. "Where do you want go?" "I don't know I don't really know places around here." All of a sudden his face lights up. " To the Waffle House we go!" I can't help but chuckle. "I'm surprise you haven't started singing to the music." "Why? I don't really like this kind of music." "Really what do you listen to then?" I can't help but smile and say,"Country." He changes the station to The Highway. In the inside I was happy and lip singing but I made sure I didn't sing out loud because my family and friends say that I suck at singing and I will lose friends by singing so I will not sing unless I'm alone or with my family. Finally we get to the place. When we got seated I looked what was on the menu and I feel like someone staring at me, I look up, "May I help you." Talking to Ryan. "Seriously you are looking at the menu you know it is call the Waffle House." "You know that there more then waffles here?" "I see. Then what are you getting?" "Eggs. You? Wait let me guess waffles?" "Damnnnnnnn your good!" "Thank you!" For the rest of the time we were talking how we finally are going to go to Daytona soon.

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