The Family Portrait

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It is a beautiful, sunny day in the kingdom of Corona. Cassandra has the day off, and she has decided to spend it with her daughter.

"Alright kid, what do you want to do first?" She asks with a loving smile.

"I wanna go look at the flowers out in the garden!" Opal replies, grinning widely.

Cassandra chuckles. "The garden... Why am I not surprised?"

The garden is Opal's favorite place at the castle. She loves to see all the beautiful plants and flowers, and sitting on the wall next to the gazebo is one of the best spots to moon-gaze at night.

Mother and daughter walk together to the garden, where they happen to run into Queen Rapunzel sitting in the gazebo.

"Aunt Raps!" Opal shouts excitedly, rushing to give Rapunzel a hug.

"Hey there, Opal," Rapunzel says, returning the embrace with an enthusiastic squeeze. She then turns her attention to Cassandra. "Enjoying your day off, Cass?"

"Yep! Gonna spent the day with the little sprout, here," Cassandra replies, receiving a giggle from Opal.

While Cassandra and Opal begin to explore the garden, Rapunzel pulls out her journal and begins sketching the two of them together. But as she doodles, a realization hits her...

"Cassandra! Opal! Stay right there, okay? I'll be right back!" Rapunzel tells them, rushing inside the castle.

Cassandra raises an eyebrow. "What is she up to, now?"

Rapunzel runs into her room, quickly grabs her paints, brushes, a canvas, and an easel, and runs back out. She then makes her way through the castle, until she arrives at Varian's lab. "Varian! I need you to come out to the garden, ASAP!"

Varian spins around, his goggles pulled down over his eyes. "Why? What's going on?" He appears worried at first, but when he pushes his goggles up and sees that she is carrying painting supplies, he gives her an unamused look. "Rapunzel, I'm kind of busy right now."

"But this is important!" She insists, grabbing his arm and dragging him with her.

Back in the garden, Opal spots her father with Rapunzel and squeals with delight. "Daddy!"

"What're you doing here?" Cassandra asks Varian after giving him a light peck on the lips.

"Rapunzel told me I had to come," Varian replies. "Though, she still has yet to tell me why."

Rapunzel grins. "I just realized that I have never painted a family portrait of you guys!"

Cassandra considers this, as Rapunzel places the canvas on her easel and starts to prepare the paints. "You don't have to do this, Raps," she says.

"But I want to!" Rapunzel says eagerly. "Come on, It's an amazing day for it! And the garden is the perfect setting."

Opal stares up at Cassandra with hopeful eyes, and Varian smirks. "I don't think it's such a bad idea," he says to Cass.

Cassandra smiles at him, and then nods her approval to Rapunzel.

"Yes! This'll be great!" Rapunzel says.

"We're gonna be a painting!" Opal says excitedly.

Varian laughs as he and Cassandra scoop Opal up. With their arms wrapped around each other, they pose as Rapunzel paints their first family portrait...

 With their arms wrapped around each other, they pose as Rapunzel paints their first family portrait

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