Lesbian lovers, part 10

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Eleven Hopper

When we had finally gotten back home hopper had gone out, so we were alone. Max and I were sat in my bedroom as I cleaned the wounds from her face.

"so, what are we going to do with Billy?" I asked

"I don't know...I obviously can't go back home" Max said

"don't worry you can stay here for as long as you want"


"of course, we are like a thing, now right?" I asked

"yea...babe" Max replied

"don't call me that" I said laughing

Me and Max laughed until my walkie talkie started making noises

"guys" Mike said from the walkie talkie

"yea" I said into the walkie talkie

"me and Will are going to starcourt mall to get ice cream wanna come" Mike asked

I looked at Max

"sure, we will come see you there soon, over and out" Max said

I stood up grabbing Max's hands.

"want some of my clothes yours are a little..."

"bloody?" Max said

"yea" I said laughing

I gave her some clothes and my favourite hoodie for her to wear.

I walkie over to the door opening it without touching it and left a note on the fridge saying.

"gone to get ice cream"

We got on my bike and headed to starcourt mall

Max Mayfield

Me and el got to starcourt mall and headed in. We headed over to scoops ahoy as I grabbed her hand. She didn't say anything, but she smirked a little to let me know that she liked it.

Will and Mike were already sat in a booth eating ice cream when we got to scoops ahoy.

"I'll go order, what do you want?" El said

"chocolate please" I replied

I sat down at the booth with Will and Mike.

"Hey guys!" I said

"Hey Max, I like your shirt" Will said

"thanks, It's El's"

Mike looked down at the floor.

I know, I know I stole his girlfriend and there has always been a bit a revelry between us, but he needs to let it go.

Eleven came back with the ice cream and sat down.

"so how much trouble did you all get into last night?"  Will asked

"Hopper wasn't too happy with me..."  El said

"Yea my mom was pretty angry to" Mike added

No one spoke and it was very awkward.

"if you were an ice cream flavour which one would you be?" Will asked

"strawberry" El said

"probably pistachio" Mike added

"what cause no one likes you" I sniggered

Everyone stared at me

El burst out in laughter. So did Mike and Will

After talking for a while and eating ice cream, Me and El went back to hoppers cabin. We sat and talked for hours in her room.

"no way, Modanna is way better then Queen!" El stated

"are you joking! Killer queen is the best song ever!" I replied

"You're not wrong" El added

"you're my killer queen El"

El smiled at me

"and I love you..."

She looked at me startled but then pulled me in and kissed me.

"You know I can't stay here forever right..." I said

"what and you would rather be with that monster!"

"He knows what I am...what we are"

"why do you say it like your ashamed"

"I'm not ashamed El. I just- just"

"just what?"

"he saw you lift his car okay"

"what and you would rather have died?!" El shouted

"no of course not...He just knows way to much and I can't risk that. Not for you or us"

"what are you going to do then?"

"I don't know...but we will figure out together."

Hey guys it's been a while but I hope you like this new chapter <3

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