Family issues part 4

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Max Mayfield

I was almost home after 10 minutes of running in the rain. Mom was out with her friends; my stepdad was on a business trip so the only person who was left in the house was...Billy. Of course, it had to be Billy. Billy always hated Lucas for some weird reason and Lucas wasn't a big fan of gay people so in spite of breaking up with me Billy would defiantly know about my per say actions with Eleven.

I got to the door.

Should I knock?

Should I even go in?

Better to do it now than later

I opened the door I walked in, my hair dripping on the floor.

"Max get your ass here right now!" Billy shouted from his room

I walked as slowly as possible to Billy's room knowing someway or a another, I might not get out in one piece.

I entered Billy's room. He was sat on his bed tapping his foot and shaking his head. I know what Billy's capable of doing from past experiences, but this time would be different.

"So, your little friend informed me about your what you call 'girlfriend'" he said shaking his head.

"She's not my girlfriend Billy!" I replied storming out of the room, but Billy was already right behind me.

"Max you know what I did to your Boyfriend Lucas Sinclair and since your new girlfriend isn't here then..."

"Billy please..." I whispered

He began punching me for what felt like for ever. Bruises started to appear all over my face until I fully blacked out.

Eleven Hopper

After watching a great film to calm my nerves down. Robin decided to drive me home, maybe I wasn't as alone as I though.

We got to Hoppers cabin.

"Okay just take it slow with him, if your calm he will be calm that's how I did it" Robin said

"Okay. Can we hang out tomorrow?" I asked

"Of course, dude! You're like a younger version of my except you have powers and shit" She laughed

"Oh, and I have better hair then you" I chuckled

We both laughed

"yea right, now go kill them kid"

I got out of the car and Robin drove away. I entered the Cabin. Instantly I smelt burnt firewood and a gush of warm wind filled my lungs. Hopper was sat alone at are small two-person table eating dinner.

"where have you been?" he asked with a cross look on his face

"the movie theatre" I replied

"with who?"


"is Robin your new girlfriend?"

And there it was folks

"no, I don't have a girlfriend" I stated

"Lucas Sinclair told me otherwise" He said

"you mad?" I asked

"I don't know. But what I do know is that you aren't seeing Max anymore" He said putting his plate in the sink

"What is it because I'm gay!" I yelled

"you're not gay your just confu-" he started

"STOP CONTROLLING MY LIFE YOUR NOT MY DAD!" I roared in his face and ran into my room as I used my powers to slam the door

I levitated a few books throwing them in every which way until my raged stopped as I saw a familiar face in my window.


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