Life Hacks #1

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• if there is EVER a zombie apocalypse go to Costco. Large cement walls,an endless supply of food ,and you have to have a Costco card to get in.
Want someone to stop texting you? Send them this SMS:
SERVICE ERROR 305: message delivery failed. Further messages will be charged to your account.
•need help to quickly solve a math problem? The 'PhotoMath' app will solve it for you by simply pointing your camera to the problem.
•forgot someone's name? Say 'what was your name again?' They'll respond with their first name. Albeit hurt that you forgot. Then emphatically reply 'No.... No your LAST Name.' Much relieved they happily tell you (sometimes suspiciously depending on the person). You now know their first and last name without any insult.
• the most powerful way to win an argument is by asking questions. You'd be surprised at how it can make people see the flaws in their logic.

That's the end of this chapter I hope you guys liked it! I'll be posting more this week because I wanna be more active and not watch Netflix and listen to music all day. Don't forget to vote comment and share this book!


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