Shopping and Spending

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SO look i know every teenager has this problem (mostly girls) where they see this cute shirt or shoes or pants or hat or something and instantly want it. then you look at the price tag and you're like' F*#K'' because you only have like half of the money on the price tag. But do you know whats similar to all teens with this problem? THEY ALL GO TO THE STORES THATS THE MOST EXTRAVAGANT AND EXPENSIVE! So I've  compiled a list of stores that are cheap and fashionable as hell!


-urban outfitters

-go jane

-forever 21

- you can always try online shopping because its cheaper than shopping in most stores



-Victoria Secret


- Hot topic
im bored and tired and hungry... so i didnt really finish this but on the bright side today is the 3rd april, 2015 and my birthday is TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OKAY IM  GOING TO STOP TYPING now...


Diys and Life HacksOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora