Chapter 46 ~ Birth

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*After they watch the movie*

Curtis: That was interesting

Larray: That was fuckin shit

Mads: I 100% agree with Larray. We watched it to see them end up together not just become fucking friends

Rafy: Guys take a chill pill. Not every show has to end up with the people we all ship together

Curtis: Exactly and this is the kind of movies that the nuggies group like to watch, now am i right nuggies?

Noah: 100% percent. Baby?

Dixie: *asleep with her head on Noahs shoulder and his arm around her*

Noah: *looks down and sees her asleep* *speaking softly* She knocked out guys

Blake: Carry her to you guys room

Amelie: Yeah, the baby is really tiring her out recently

Noah: A few days ago, babygirl kicked Dixie and we literally saw it happen because the kick was so strong. I am going to take her to bed now

*Noah picks Dixie up and she instantly wakes up*

Noah: *sees her wake up* Oh baby i am sorry, i didnt mean to wake you up

Dixie: I slept through another show?

Noah: Mhm, do you want to stay here or where do you want to go?

*The door bell rings*

Dixie: I want to answer the door and we should hang out in the living room now and play some games

*Noah and Dixie walks up to the door while the others sit on the living room couches*

Noah: *opens the door and sees Avani* After about eight months you are here? What do you want?

Avani: I came to appologise

Noah: We dont want to hea-

Dixie: *cover his mouth then uncovers it when he stops talking* Baby, give her a chance. Plus its only fair since she was looking out for you

Avani: I know i messed up big time and for that, i am so so so freaking sorry but Dixie, without you, my life is not the same. I miss you as my bestfriend, my sister from another mother and my friendly soulmate. What i said was only because i was thinking about Noah since i know that Griffin only uses people and to think that you didnt listen to anyone even me when we were trying to tell you about him, i felt like you didnt care about me at that time. I know that i dont deserve your forgiveness but i hope one day, you can find it in that beautiful heart of yours to forgive me

Dixie: I dont want to hold any grudges against someone who was once my bestfriend especially when baby girl will be born anytime soon so, Ms. Avani Gregg, i forgive you

Avani: Can i hug you?

*Dixie walks up to Avani and hugs her then Avani hugs back and pulls away*

Dixie: We have friends over, you can come in if you wish but i dont know how they will react

Avani: I would love to come in and catch up with you guys

*They go into the living and sits*

Avani: Hi

Madi: Dixie?

Dixie: I forgave her

Everyone: Ok

*Its now the next day at 8:07am and Curtis stayed over*

Curtis: *walks into doah room without knocking* WAKE UP *claps his hands*

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