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Dear readers, I think you're still unable to listen to a video while reading.

Anyway, I'll mark the most appropriate moment to start the video.

Enjoy the chapter! 😊

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Well... maybe working one week after having watched all the three videos was not that bad at all. One step at a time, right? This was going to be Frederick's last opportunity to heal his opened wounds. If this poopy did not work, then, for sure, there would be no other way he could accept Bonnie into his life and his next one. If this whole thing did not work out, then there would be no escape, no answer, no paw held out for support whenever he tried to get up. Poor chubby thing.

   Anyway, Fox had been warned that, two years after having advised Frederick about giving himself some time to kill that raging hatred of his, he would have to take Bonnie to VixenToon House, the first orphanage Frederick's browser popped up as the most popular option. There, there was no such thing as turn back. This had to work. There was not any way out, it... it just came down to get an answer and find out the conclusion.

   So he could be more comfortable, Frederick waited until Bonnie was ready to head to the kinder garden alone. Today, due to a mere miracle, he noticed Bonnie could not help but keep his finger into his snout. Did he have already loosed baby teeth being this young? Perhaps Bonnie was growing up quite fast; God bless you, Frederick! He sure was making his best to make a man out of a four-year-old rabbit.

   When he was at last alone at home, he turned off the TV, closed every blind found around the living room, gave one last bite to his brownie and prepared himself to do this thingy: he pushed the single couch toward the bathroom so he could have plenty of room for his exercises. He started the video.

   The instructions were so understandable that even Bonnie would have followed them without troubling himself, but he had to watch it too: this was a weak spot, and it was already a holy miracle if he was willing to work on himself as it is. So he sat down in the middle of the living room over that old carpet sprinkled with bread crumbs and sesame seeds. The television and its drawer were standing motionless in front of him. There was an overweight Frederick staring back, for the first time seeing what he had turned into. This was not this video's purpose.

   The next step was probably the hardest one physically speaking: he had to start breathing deeply... deeply... deeply... and let go. Breathe in and let go. Just like that: breathing in... and slowly letting go...

   That's it... So good... Pretty neat, innit? Although this air was not pure at all, it was such a touch of heaven to breathe deeply and feel the lungs expanding and deflating. That was it... just... breathe in and let go. Feeling the chest heaving back and forth.

   Oh my, Frederick was making a nice job. But, suddenly, his fur started getting all spiky, as sweat started drenching his entire body. Oh, no, this was not good: this was not the objective. He had to calm down!

   He remained like that for quite a while, until he found out that thin thread in which he had to hang to meet tranquility. That's it... he got it; well... anyone had seen worse.

   Now the last step: it was time to talk at her.

   There was a cute animation in the video with a wolf sitting just like Frederick. He closed his eyes. And then another wolf appeared in front of him; he had the best façade he could have had in his entire lifetime—according to this video. In the end, this wolf's momentum was extracted by the wolf sat like dust being removed for a vacuum. That was it. It was not that hard, was it? Even the video just lasted five minutes.

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