Part 2 : the party

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Later on that same Tuesday barbra and sally got in some pink clothes and went to the club . They drank so much vodka that sally passed out omg . They danced until they got weak . But barbra ( still drunk ) brought her to the motel and put her in a bed . Later that night at 3AM barbra came home after eating macdonalds but little did she know ......

She went to the toilet and had so much shit she nearly hurt her ass 😔 sally woke up as barbra was showering and accidentally went in there . " hmmmmm " she wondered " why is her booty bigger than mine 😭😭🥺😭😭 "  when barbra was done showering she found out sally ate the same happy meal and had to go ( FAST ! ) she went in there until 8AM and all you could here was shitting noises ( no screaming added )

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