18. Just hanging out

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I sit in geography class next to Amy and the teacher just talks nonsense, like he always does. I yawn and my head falls on the table.

,,Hey Y/n, i was talking to Y/n." Amy says to me, shaking my whole body.

,,What?" i ask still half asleep.

,,Nothing, it's fine." she tells me in a bit annoyed voice.

,,I'm sorry that i didn't listen to you."

,,I said that i have a date with Bradley today and i need your help."

,,Ahh, i'm so happy for you!!"

,,Thanks." she blushes. ,,But first, we have to get out of the geography lesson." she said, pulling me out of the class.

On the hallway, i can spot Tom, running at my direction.

,,Hey." i say, looking in his beautiful eyes.

,,Hey." he response and smiled.

,,Uhh Y/n, we gotta go in sports clas." Amy says and i just wave a bye to Tom.

After school, me and Amy go out of school together, seeing Tom again.

,,Hey...uhhm, can i talk to you?" Tom asks me.

I furrow my eyebrows in cunfusion.

,,Yeah...sure." i respond.

He pulls me in a alley and leans in to give me a passionate kiss.

,,What was that for?" i ask with a chuckle.

,,I couldn't kiss my gilfriend a whole day long, it's a nightmare." he says.

I chuckle again.

,,I have to go back to Amy, well she needs my help with something." i say nodding.

,,Okay." he says giving me a smile and a peck on my lips. I give him a last smile and go back to Amy.

I see Amy, standing there with her mouth open.

,,Since when did that happend?" she asks me, still with her mouth open.

,,What do you mean?" i chuckle.

,,Come on, i'm your best friend." she says, giving me a pout.

,,Since today." i say smiling.

,,I knew out!!!I ship it so hard." she screams.

,,Please don't tell anyone."

,,I promise."

My english teacher, Mr. HollandWhere stories live. Discover now