9. Tom's pov

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,,Y/n, do you maybe...wanna go on a date...with me?"

ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ-Tom's pov-ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

,,Man, i think i really like her."

,,What's the problem? Just ask her out already!" Haz says.

,,But, she's a student and what if she says no."

,,She's full age, so it isn't a problem and the way you look at each other, you can tell, that she's in love with you."

,,Fine, i'll do it"

,,Yes, finally!"

ʕ•ᴥ•ʔʕ •́؈•̀ ₎-skip to next day-ʕ•ᴥ•ʔʕ •́؈•̀ ₎

I enter the classroom, sit down at my wooden desk and start correcting exams, while the students are doing some worksheets. She looks at me. I'm kinda scared to ask her out, i mean she's just a student.

,,So, i'm finished correcting your exams, i'll just hand them out to you" i say, going through class. The last stop was Y/n. I got lost in her pretty eyes.

,,And here's your exam Y/n, i'm really proud of you" i say handing her A exam and lean down, to whisper something in her ear.

,,Meet me after school in front of the college entry" i whisper and head to my desk again.

The day goes by and i'm heading to the college entry.

There she stands. I'm nervous. Just don't fück up Tom.

,,Hi" i say kinda shyly.

,,Hi, u-hhm what do you wanted to talk abou" she asks me, turning her head in my direction.

,,Y/n, do you maybe...wanna go on a date...with me?" i ask her stuttering.

,,I'd love to" she awnsers smiling.

,,Really?" i ask, i couldn't really believe it.

,,Yes. Really"

,,Great. Then...i will pick you up at...8?"

,,Okay" she says smiling. ,,See you at 8" she says, going away.

I smiled the whole day long.

,,Why are you smiling?" Haz asks, smiling too.

,,Well, she said yes." i said, smiling even more.

,,YOU REALLY DID IT?!!! HE REALLY DID IT!!!" Haz says, laughing, jumping up and down.

A/n: Sorry guys, that i didn't update yesterday, but i fell down the stairs on Thursday and it turned out, that i have a Torn ligament. It doesn't even hurt that much so it's okay, but i'm really slow, when i'm walking, so it annoys me a bit. But it's fine, hope y'all doing well.

Ly 3000 <3

My english teacher, Mr. HollandWhere stories live. Discover now