Luke wasn't anywhere in the living room and it wouldn't be difficult to spot his tall frame. The door she had exited through stood open but no one came through, Ivy briefly wondered whether he just dropped her off at home and went on his way again.

Her chewing slowed. She swallowed, her spirits dampened. He wouldn't just kiss her and run off would he?

He was soaked in rain just like you, in case you already forgot. Of course! How could she be so silly? Did she honestly expect him to parade around with wet clothing? That kiss had messed with her head.

Thoughts drawn to the kiss yet again, she finished off the cupcake, fingers lingering on her lips for a second too long. Would things change between them? And if so, in a good or bad way? Oh god, she thought, she initiated the kiss!

He wasn't innocent though, had it not been for those damn eyes she wouldn't even have dreamt of it! Well, maybe she would have...

“Auntie Ivy!” A force knocked into her legs, she stumbled backwards barely able to catch herself from plummeting towards the ground.

She looked down at the five year old boy and smiled, her presence in the room had officially been announced but she was unable to be mad at the adorable child.

Tyler released her legs and gave her a toothy grin. “Happy older age day!”

Ivy caught Claire's amused eyes, she said nothing but shook her head to herself. Bending down to Tyler's level, she smiled and booped his nose making him scrunch his face. “Thank you!”

The little boy nodded, threw his arms around her neck in a quick hug and ran off again.

More people greeted Ivy and wished her happy birthday. Arthur gave her a curt nod, Claire hugged her and nearly squeezed the air out of her. Judith gave her a typical motherly hug and kiss on the cheek.

Catherine gave her a wicked smile. “Happy birthday dork.”

“Thank you, punk,” Ivy ruffled her younger sister's hair much to her dismay. Catherine could only hold her glare for a few seconds then her face broke out into a smile. “I'm not gonna hug you though.”

Ivy made a face. “I wouldn't dream of it.”

Gifts were exchanged, rain outside had shown no signs of letting up. A feeling washed over Ivy's soul, a feeling of peace and comfort, her jacket had long warmed her up by now.

She settled on the floor, her legs drawn beneath her. Gifts were handed to her individually, she opened each with care, being sure to put a convincing smile on for the show. Her friends and family watched with excitement as she opened their gifts, she knew she couldn't let her inner turmoil ruin their happiness and mistake it for her disliking what they got her.

A gardening book — typical of her mother — and a boardgame, a necklace, a bracelet and a notebook from Catherine, an adorable birthday card drawn by Tyler and even oven mutts from Arthur were all in the mix.

She thanked them heartedly and directed her mind towards cake and snacks instead of the missing presence in the room. Ivy dared not to ask either her mother nor Claire where Luke had gone. Too humiliated and too scared of what their questions might be. Most of all, too scared of what her answers might be.

Hours later their living room was empty, Claire and Arthur had taken their young son home and Catherine retreated to her room to do homework. Judith was cleaning up the snacks when Ivy found her.

“Mom?” Her voice carried around the room, echoing. She couldn't help herself, curiosity was going to doom her one day but she had to know. “Have you...met Luke before?”

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