Chapter Twelve

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“Surprise!” Ivy's hands flew to her mouth, the room lit up and five smiling faces greeted her. She glanced at Luke questioningly, he simply smiled and shrugged.

Before a word could be uttered by her, Ivy's mother pulled her into a tight hug. “Happy birthday my baby girl—my word! You two are soaked!”

Luke gave her mother a sheepish smile, which was uncharacteristic of him. He was never shy. Ivy narrowed her eyes, when had the two of them met?

She had no time to question as her mother gave Claire orders to get Luke dried up and Judith steered her eldest daughter to her room. Ivy caught her sister's eye, Catherine grinned wickedly at her, pointedly glancing between her and Luke.

Ivy's eyes narrowed on her best friend, the brunette shot her a wink in passing and handed a maroon towel to Luke. That was the last sight she managed to catch of the scene before she was ushered off into her bedroom because in her mother's words. “The birthday girl can't look like a drenched rat at her own birthday party.”

Minutes later Ivy emerged from her room, her wet hair thrown into a braid. She rubbed her jacket covered arms, chill still seeping through.

The time it took to get out of her wet clothing, her mind replayed the kiss. His lips on hers, his scent mixed with nature, surrounding her. His tongue ignited a fire on her skin, his eyes flashing before her each time she closed her own. Around him, everything else faded into nothingness.

She didn't feel the rain soaking them but she felt his arms snaked around her. She didn't hear the thunder rumbling, she heard her heart beating wildly. The mud beneath her feet went unnoticed, instead her focus laid with how her toes curled when his fingers traced her jaw.

One thought hit her like a train, it felt so right. Their hands were meant to be enclosed around each other. Their lips were meant to be locked. And their lives were meant to be shared. Fear spiked in her chest, was she ready for a relationship? Did he want a relationship?

By the way he was looking at her, she felt like the only girl in the world. Or rather, like the only girl he wanted in the world. However, men could easily be blinded by lust, it wouldn't be the first time she'd experience it.

Do you honestly think that? She didn't know, she didn't want to but she didn't know which answer she wanted. Saying it that was lust and forgetting it would be the easy thing to do, it would be the safe thing to do.

No. She thought, it might be safe but it didn't feel right. It didn't get her heart racing and her body buzzing with excitement.

Ivy reached the end of the hallway, the chatting voices of her closest companions right outside. Brass of the door handle cooled her fingertips, she smiled, she actually kissed Luke!

The door gave way, a colourful scene before her. The usually dull living room was decorated cheerfully. A few pendants were against the walls, a banner hung from the ceiling and wished Ivy a happy birthday.

Couches and chairs had been pushed against to the side, Ivy noted a chair that was stolen from her bedroom in between the rest, her mother must have taken it in order to have enough seating room. The floor was open, allowing enough space for all the guests.

No one had noticed Ivy yet and she appreciated that, her stomach rumbled softly at the platters of food placed on a table to the side. A certain cupcake with blue and purple icing and little decorations on top was calling her name.

Both Catherine and Claire were preoccupied with little Tyler, the boy flourishing under the spotlight of the two females.

Ivy took the chance to sneak inside the room and snatch the cupcake, it was almost too pretty to eat.  Almost, her lips curled delightedly and she took a bite.

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