Julie Cade

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I made my way to the Curtis house. We were going to have a rumble. First though, Pony, Two-bit and I were going to visit Julie and Dally.

Once I reach the Curtis house I grabbed a Pony and made our way towards the hospital as Two-bit met us along the way.

At the hospital, to start a fight with the nurse trying to convince her that we were her only family and I was her brother.

"Let them in." The doctor said. "She's been asking for them. Especially the little one. It can't hurt now."

I didn't like the tone of his voice. He made it sound like she was about to.......

When we made her way into her room, I almost started crying again. She laid on her back, her eyes have flooded. I walked forward and lightly touched her hand as her I snapped open.


"Hey Julie."

Ponyboy sent Two to go get a copy of "Gone With The Wind".  A nurse came in a little while later.

"Julie, your mothers here to see you." The nurse said softly.

Julie gave a look of anger, I had never seen before.

"I don't want to see her." Julie croaked.

"She's your mother."

"I said I don't wanna see her. She's probably come to tell me all the trouble I've caused her in the old man and I'm glad she'll be when I'm dead. So for once—" her voice cracked. "—For once just leave me alone."

Julie gasped before passing out. We were rushed out and Two give the nurse the book to give it to Julie when she woke. As we went to visit Dally, we ran into my mom. She started screaming at us when she Two-bit snapped.

"No wonder she hates your guts. If you don't care about her, you drunk. You don't even care about Johnnycake either. You go straight to hell. Straight to hell."

After we visited Dally, we made our way back to the Curtis home for the Rumble.

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