Abandoned Church

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I woke up with Julie leaning on me. I noticed Johnny was gone and started calling out his name.

Then I saw writing in the dust of the floor.

Went to get supplies, be back
Soon. Watch Julie
J. C.

I sighed in relief as I looked down at Julie. Julie stirred and Julie as she woke up. I then heard a familiar whistle, so I answered back. Johnny walked in and started pulling things out of the box he was carrying.

Julie seemed too impatient to wait and start pulling things out as well. She pulled out a book "Gone With The Wind", peroxide, bread, wait....

" Johnny, you're not thinking of..."

When he nodded, I gasped and tugged my hair.

"No Johnny!" I cried.

"It's only hair Ponyboy," Julie taunted.

I looked Julie shocked as she gave me an un-Julie like smirk.

"You've got to get your haircut as well, Julie." Johnny told her.

"It's only hair Julie," I mocked.

Julie glared at me as Johnny put us both outside.

Come on Ponyboy. Julie and I are to dark skin to look Okay blonde." Johnny told me.

I sighed as Johnny did my hair. Once he finished, I started on his hair. Last, Johnny cut Julie's hair.

Johnny thinned bangs and cut her hair to her mid back. I swore I saw a few tears fall from her eyes.

Once we finished our hair, we went inside and played poker.

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