Chapter 6

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*text tone*

I look at my phone and see a text from Aaron Green. One of the cutest boys in the school by far. He's about 6"0' tall, has blue eyes that are just to DIE for, and a perfect smile that those dreadful middle school braces help create. He's very classy, wears sweater vests and khakis, pushes his hair back in the most perfect quiff, and I'm sure he's never gotten a B in his life. He's one of the nicest people I've ever met, very friendly, but for some reason, he doesn't seem to be popular or had tons of girl friends in his life. Him and I became friends in middle school when I was new and felt left out, he helped me get to know the school and I think we had a few classes throughout those 3 years, but we never really got to know each other, or have the chance to become friends back then.

I remember my first impression of him. Middle school Aaron was sort of a nerd. He dressed classy, and was nice, and made straight A's, but that wasn't cute back then. Not to mention his teeth, they were pretty bad, thank god for those braces. Although it wasn't cute to most people, I thought he was so adorable. He was shorter back then, and had that awkward walk that just made you go "aw". Somehow, over the years, he has grown into his body, became even more classy with style, and still people see him like they did in 7th grade. Not me. I guess not seeing him so much I noticed changes physically in him. I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a huge crush on him freshman year, well that was until I met my Ex boyfriend and we started talking, then eventually dating.

Aaron: "Hey Lilly! It's been a while! I was just flipping through my old year book and I saw you and decided to text you. How are you? How come we never have classes? You're one of the few people I can actually tolerate at this dreadful school XD"

Me: "Hey Aaron! :) I've been good. How about you? and IKR! I feel the same exact way about you! AND WHY WITH THE CLASSES!? WE NEVER HAVE ANY!!"

Aaron: "I expected that kind of text from you. I miss you :("

Did I mention Aaron and I used to be really good friends at one point. We used to text all the time and stay up all night on the phone. But it was all friendly. That's when my crush from him blossomed.

Me: "Aw, Aaron. I miss you too! Do you want to hang out tonight?"

I check the time. I just recently got out of school, it's 3:00p.m.

Aaron: "Froyo? It's on me. :)"

Me: "6 sound good?"

Aaron: "It's a date. I'll pick you up then!"

I just figured I would drive, but hey he offered!

I looked at the clock again.

It's still 3:00p.m.

I look in my closet, I don't want to wear the clothes I wore to school today, ew.

I start putting on skirts and shorts, and jeans, until I found something classy, cute, and modest.

A black skater skirt with a grey sweater with black flowers on the shoulder, tucked in, added with a black belt with a bedazzled flower buckle. I also put on grey knee high socks, since nights are pretty chilly here, and black boot heals.

I redid my makeup, not too much, not too little, and lightly curled my hair.

I look like I tried too hard.

I start rummaging for a different outfit until I heard a knock on the door.

It's 5:00p.m.

"Lilly, honey! Aarons here!"

Why is he here so early?

"Coming!" I yell as i head down stairs.

There's that Disney moment. The one where you look perfect slowly coming down the stairs and your date is at the front door in awe. Except I was running down the stairs, and to be honest, I looked stressed. But same thing.

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