First Night and Day

Start from the beginning

I looked up at Dumbledore and he gave a wink. I smiled and grabbed a biscuit and a chicken wing and discreetly threw them under the table into the fire. It burned for a moment and melted back into the floor after I gave the mental prayer to the gods.

"Pandora?" I looked up at Harry. "Is it just me or is that teacher over there glaring at us?" I looked to where he was pointing and saw that Snape asshole. I gave him a glare.

"Oh, that prick. Yeah, he's totally glaring at us."

"That doesn't concern you?"

"Just ignore it. If he really has a grudge against two 11-year-old students, he's the one with the problem." I said as I continued eating.

"Say Percy," Harry looked at the red haired boy with glasses. "Who's that teacher talking to Professor Quirrell?" I looked up myself and noticed the pale man wearing a purple turban who Snape was talking to. Something felt off but maybe it was Snape giving those vibes. Quirrell didn't seem like he could hurt a fly. 

"Oh, that's Professor Snape, Head of Slytherin House." Percy answered. 

"What's he teach?" Harry asked curiously. I groaned mentally. 

"Potions, but everyone knows it's the Defense Against the Dark Arts he fancies. He's been after Quirrell's job for years." Percy gossiped. 

I went about eating my food until a pale misty head appeared out of the pile of fried chicken, making me scream in surprise. Why are there ghosts in the food?! 

"Hello!" The ghost said in a jolly tone. He looked at Ron, who looked frightened. "How are you? Welcome to Gryffindor." He said cheerfully. At that moment, ghosts started coming around the halls and floating around the room. 

Percy leaned forward a little. "Hello Sir Nicholas. Have a nice summer?" He asked politely. The ghost, Sir Nicholas, rose further out of the pile of chicken until he was floating with his top half above the table. 

"Dismal. Once again my request to join the Headless Hunt has been denied." Okay, I really want to know more about this Headless Hunt. Sir Nicholas floated a little away from the table, revealing more of his body. He looked like he belonged in a Shakespeare play or something. 

"I know you!" Ron said in awe. "You're Nearly Headless Nick." 

Sir Nicholas turned around. "I prefer Sir Nicholas if you don't mind." He said sounding a little irritated. 

"Nearly Headless? How can you be Nearly headless?" Hermione asked. 

"Dude seriously?" I whispered yelled at her. Nicholas looked annoyed now.

"Like this." He grabbed the side of his head and pulled it to the other side, revealing the fact that his head was still attached to his body only by a small bit of neck. Whoever had tried to behead them had clearly sucked at their job. 

I put down my food. "And there goes my appetite. Thanks Hermione." I said sarcastically. She just gave me a look. 

Soon after that disgusting display, Percy Weasley, one of Ron's brothers, led us first years to Gryffindor tower, where our dorms were. I kind of sucked that I had to share a room with Granger but oh well.

"Honestly, I'm not digging the red and gold." I said to myself, looking at my bed. I stared hard at it, turning the blankets and curtains of my four-poster bed to the pale blue from the Aphrodite cabin. "Ah, that's so much better."

"How did you do that, Pandora?" Lavender Brown asked in awe.

"My family has always been skilled in fashion related magic. Bedsheets and things like that are a little harder to change but I just didn't like the colors. Not to mention, I'm a little homesick. My family's all the way in New York." (AN: I understand that changing things like bedsheets isn't considered fashion and isn't something an Aphrodite kid should be able to do but please just go with it. I'll try not to add things like that from this point forward.)

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