Chapter 8: Success

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" I think we shouldn't do this. " I told Mean and Win. I was about to turn back and walk away when two of them forced me to keep on walking.

" Don't be such a coward Saint. " Win said and annoyingly rolled his eyes.

" Saint, I think the plan will work, you just need to be brave and I don't know, trust the process. " That just doesn't make sense Mean. I thought he was on my side, traitor!

" I think not. " I said emphasizing the not because I'm sure it won't. I'm still struggling to be free from their strong grips.

" Oh c'mon Saint, just trust me. If it doesn't work, I'll buy you dinner but if it works you'll buy me mine. " Win said and started chuckling. I couldn't answer him anymore because we're almost at the destination and my mind was going blank.

Last week when Win told us his plan, I was the first to disagree while Mean surprisingly said that it'll work so I need to do it. His plan was to befriend Perth, he needs to see me with Perth again to confirm if he really likes me so that when I confess I won't get rejected and we'll have a happy ever after. It's not as easy as they think it is specially when I'm having brain stroke and panic attack when he's near.

All throughout the week they've been buying me some products for my face and skin saying I needed a glow up before Perth see me. It's really not necessary because I am confident with my face and body but they just squint their eyes on me and says that confidence is not enough. They're probably right because all of those products had paid off and my skin is glowing and smoother as ever.

We're at the football field right now where Perth is always alone after their practice, to relax maybe. He's seating at one of the benches in the corner of the field. He's reading a book that I don't recognize. He's also wearing that Harry Potter glass again. Cute.

As we get closer to him, I felt like I'm gonna faint any second now. We were about 2 feet in front of him when we stopped. Like always, he didn't notice us. Win tapped my shoulder signalling me to call him and I just look at him helplessly. He sigh then rolled his eyes.

" Hi Perth! " Win said with his most cheerful voice.

Perth who was busy reading his book look up. His curious hazel eyes meet mine and the world just stopped. He was shock at first, I mean who wouldn't? He noticed Win and Mean besides me then his eyes landed at me again then he smiled. That genuine smile that I love of his. I pretty much need an oxygen tank right now.

" Hi, what can I do for you guys? " He said while glancing at Mean and Win then his hazel eyes stopped at me again.

Seriously, do we look like someone who will only approach him if we needed something? Well we do actually, but that's not the point.

" Hi Perth, again. Well, I'm Win and that's Mean. " He said then pointed at Mean who just nod and gave Perth a small smile. " And of course, you know our Saint here. " Win added while patting my shoulder lightly.

" Yes, I actually know you guys but nice to meet you two. " Perth said still wearing that smile of his.

" Nice to meet you too. Anyways can you please do us a favor. " Win said with his puppy eyes. Perth stared at him first with his brows furrowed then he smiled.

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