**How much further? I've been walking for hours. If I wasn't too tired to run, I would've probably been there by now.**

I kept on walking before I started to recognize my surroundings. The path headed up into the mountains and was surrounded by nothing but forest.

**Am I where I think I am?**

I stopped on the path and turned around. I examined my surroundings to see if I was where o thought. I couldn't tell because it'd been around 2 years since the last time I was here and the forest had grown larger.

**Maybe I am where I think. Then that would mean this safe house is...**

I turned around again and kept walking in the direction I was already headed. A small part of me wanted to go there and beg for help, but another part of me knew that I turned my back on them and had to fulfill my goals first. I had a good idea of where this path was leading me and I considered turning around and going a different way.

**I can't do that. If I waste any time before night then my efforts these last years will have been for nothing.**

I forced my body to keep going despite how tired I was. I never realized how serious the mental toll on my body was until I went a year straight without stopping. My body felt like it was at the peak of its power but also felt like I was going too hard. It's like I was on an adrenaline high for the last year and my body was finally feeling the strain. I tripped over myself and fell to the snow. I felt like lying there and falling asleep, but I knew if I did that I wouldn't have a chance to wake up in the morning. Whether it be demons, or it be the weather, I wasn't lasting if I fell asleep.

**The Hashira used to always find me at the most convenient times... I guess now that I've gotten stronger, fate isn't on my side anymore. How I'd kill to just pass out right now and know that Mitsuri or Shinobu was going to take care of me until I woke up. Even one of the Hashira that don't really like me, like Iguro, would be nice to see right now. Or what about Tetsuo? It'd be nice if he showed up out of nowhere like he did on that mountain a few years back... How nice would that be?**

I was on my own. I traded my good luck for power. I didn't think that I would be getting bailed out by anybody else this time, so I slowly managed to force myself to get back up.

**Y/N, you've worked too hard. You're too strong for this. Get up and walk. You're considered to be on the same level as the Hashira, right? Then don't wait for one of them to come and save you... Clear a path for yourself!**

I marched onward, but I started to feel nauseous and got dizzy. I felt like I was drunk and could hardly walk a straight path.

**What's wrong with me? C'mon body! Just cooperate with me for a little longer!**

I walked on, but at this point, I had no idea where I was going. I could hardly see and it felt like somebody was constantly hitting me on the head. The snow wasn't making things any better either since everything was white. My vision was practically just one large white blur now.

Y/N: Hello?

I thought I heard somebody talking to me, but I didn't get a response when I spoke. The white blur overtaking my vision slowly went away as I saw brown in the distance.

**More trees? No, that looks like some type of building. Forget the safehouse, I seriously need to take a break.**

I tracked forward to reach the building. I heard voices as I got closer. I paid it no mind because I thought I was still hearing things.



I heard people yelling and laughing.

A Beautiful Demon (Demon Slayer Females X Reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα