~ Chapter Thirty-Eight ~

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Olivia returned to work on Monday morning, but not without a big fuss from Rafael and Cragen. Both protective men said she could take more time off to rest and recuperate, but Olivia insisted she was ready to go back to work. It had been nice to relax in her bed, uninterrupted for a whole weekend, but she was also going stir crazy.

"Olivia, didn't expect to see you back so soon, " Kat smiled, sitting in the chair beside the older detective's desk, "how are you feeling?"

"A whole lot better, " Olivia smiled, "thank you for your concern, Kat, but it's not like you to just stop by my desk, " Olivia winked, "so what can I help you with?"

Kat took in a deep breath, "you know me all too well already, I need some advice, " Kat sighed.

"On a case?" Olivia questioned furrowing her brow.

"Uh, not exactly, this time it's more personal. I -- uh, I'm gay. . .well a lesbian and my girlfriend and I have been. . .you know what this might be too personal, " Kat tried to flee, but Olivia grabbed her hand.

"Nope, now I'm invested, so sit, " Olivia pointed at the chair, "ask the question, " Olivia prompted.

"I was wondering where your husband bought your engagement ring, " Kat pointed to the gorgeous rock on Olivia's hand.

"That's a good question, " Olivia laughed, "but to tell you the truth I never asked."

"Oh shucks, well I guess I'll have to keep hunting the streets for the perfect ring, " Kat sighed.

"What are you two ladies talking about, " Rafael smiled, placing a kiss on Olivia's hair.

"You, by association, " Olivia smiled, "uh Kat, why don't you go ahead and ask Rafael your question." 

"Liv, " Kat whined, looking down at the floor.

"Kat, you don't have to be shy, I don't bite, " Rafael flashed her a warm smile.

"Now don't go telling lies, " Olivia retorted before her brain could filter the dirty comment.

Kat scrunched her face and shook her head as Munch let out a fake vomit sound. Rafael laughed hard as his wife's face turned a deep shade of red before she covered her face in embarrassment.

"Anyway, " Rafael tried to stop his laughter, "what was your question, Kat?"

Kat chuckled, "uh, where did you get Olivia's ring made?"

"Oh, Tiffany's, " Rafael smiled proudly, "but it's one of a kind. I picked everything out myself. Why do you ask?"

"I'm proposing soon, to my, uh girlfriend, " Kat smiled shyly looking at the floor.

"Congratulations!" Rafael exclaimed loudly, "let us know when you are successful, we'll do dinner, my treat."

"Thanks, " Kat nodded as she left the couple to themselves.

"That was embarrassing, " Olivia hummed.

"You'll recover, " Rafael chuckled.


It wasn't until the weekend that Olivia and Rafael got out of their offices and home for some relaxation and fun. Lucia had finally finished planning the small gender reveal party, which had turned into a baby shower as well, for their family and some of the kid's friends, and she was even more excited to host at her son and daughter-in-law's penthouse.

"I'm coming, " Olivia called as the buzzer on the elevator rang.

Olivia waddled over and turned off their alarm before opening the elevator doors with the button. The doors opened to Rafael's mom and Abuela both with arms full of decorations and gift bags.

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