Chapter 2

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I woke up and rolled out of my bunk, which thankfully was the bottom one. I stood up and walked to the front lounge. I looked through all the cabinets to find something to eat. We need to go shopping because all we have right now is cereal and bread. I made what I could before I heard Tony get up. I heard a loud cry from him, most likely his hangover. He made another strange noise then I saw him run to the bathroom. I screwed my face up. And that my friends, is why you don't get drunk.

He walked out minutes later, "Morning!" I said sarcastically. He gave me a groan and walked to the fridge. He pulled out a cold water bottle and drank it.

He set it down and walked over to me. He sat down and lied his head on my shoulder, "Why did I drink that much?" He groaned out. I laughed a little and pushed him off me so I could put my bowl in the sink.

"I have an idea." I said and smiled. "Vic I've known you for a long time and I know that smile. It means you're gonna do something bad." He said and I smirked. I don't know why, but a fan gave us and air-horn. I ran to the back lounge quickly and found it, "VIC NO!" Tony shouted and grabbed my shoulder. I covered my ears and pressed down on the top letting the loud noise ring through the bus. I heard a yell then a thud. Jaime and Mike sat up and hit their head on the top.

Jaime jumped out of his bunk with wide eyes and his hand over his chest. "Vic why would you do that?!" He shouted at me. I just smiled, but it quickly fell because, well, I fell. Jaime ran and jumped on me, tackling me to the ground. I yelped and he got off. He gave me a worried look but I laughed because it was fake. I was fine, just wanted him off of me.


It was two hours till our set and we were all in the green room just talking. I glanced over at Kellin and he was glaring at me. He got up and walked up to me pulling me up by my shirt. This should be fun.

He dragged me through the venue and to the back doors. He slammed it open and immediately pinned me against the brick, smashing our lips together. I kissed back, but I didn't know why.

He pulled away and he and I both looked shocked at what he just did. "I-I'm sorry. I don't know what happened." He said and ran back inside.

I stood there with my fingers running over my lips every now and then. I walked back in and everyone was looking worried, even Kellin. "Dude, where the he.ll have you been?" Jaime yelled at me. Was I really gone that long? "Yes." Tony said. "What?" I asked, confused, "You said that whole thing out loud." Kellin said, smirking.

"S-sorry...just got suprised earlier." I said and looked to Kellin. He mouthed sorry and walked off. "Two minutes!" The stage manager shouted.

Sleeping With Sirens left to play and we still had and hour or so.

"So what happened?" Mike asked. I couldn't tell him. I love my brother but I don't know how to tell him. I don't even really know how to tell myself. "Uhm..." I need something to cover with. "I was walking around the town a bit and saw someone almost get hit and I guess I'm just a little flustered." I said. Mike looked at me and I could tell we were going to talk later.


We played our set and now we were all in the bus. I had just finished my shower and I was going to go out and sign some things for fans. I got up and went to the door. The minute I opened the door all I heard was screaming.

"Hey!" I said and smiled. I truly love our fans. I signed for about an hour before I got to the last girl. She was cute and little with brown hair. She looked like a girl me kinda.

"Hi sweetie! What's your name?" I asked and got my marker ready, but before I could do anything she burst into tears and hugged me. I hugged her back immediately.

"What's wrong?" I asked and ran my hand up and down her back. "Everything V-Vic." She choked out. I took her face in my hands and looked her in the eyes, "You'll be okay. I promise." I said and hugged her again. "So, what is your name beautiful?" I added and she blushed. "Kara." She said. "What's your favorite lyric?" I asked and took her ticket to sign it, "Darling you'll be okay." She said. I wrote it down and a little heart and handed it back to her.

"Thank you Vic." She said sincerely. "No problem." I smiled. Her face changed and she reached around to her back pocket. "This is going to be difficult I know, but I don't think I need these." She said and handed me a small bag of...blades. I felt tears come to my eyes. "W-where's your parents?" I asked. "Oh my dads not here. He said he'd text me when he gets here." She said. "Want to hang with us for a bit?" I asked and her face lit up, "Sure!" She said cheerily.

I took her hand and led her to the bus. I knocked because, well, I didn't know of anyone was naked or something. Tony opened the door and Kara squealed. He smiled and let us in. "Ok guys! This is Kara! She's going to stay here till her dad gets here." I said and everyone smiled at her. She smiled and blushed.

"Oh my god! You're adorable!" Jaime kinda shouted once he came from the back lounge. She smiled even wider and he hugged her tightly.

After about and hour or so Kara's dad showed up and she had to leave. I walked her out and before she got in the car I have her my number. "If you ever need someone to talk to or anything just call or text." I said and smiled. She hugged me again before thanking me and driving off. I smiled and walked back to my bus. I opened the door and Kellin and Justin were there.

"Hey we were planning on going out and getting drinks, wanna come?" Justin asked. Kellin gave me a look saying we were going to talk. I said no and everyone else went off to do whatever.

"Uhm...hey." I said awkwardly.

"Hi." He said and walked over to where I was sitting and sat too.

"So about the kiss." He started.

"Yeah, I don't really know how I feel about it. I thought I was straight but I liked that more than I should've. But then I've had girlfriends before and never minded them." I rambled. "You're confused? Right?" He asked, stopping my rambling. I nodded and gulped.

"H-how did you know you were gay?" I asked. "Well I don't know. I just didn't feel right being with Katylenne." He said. "It just wasn't as natural a feeling as being with a guy." He added. I nodded in confusion and understanding. "Why do you still look confused?" He asked. I looked up and noticed how pretty his eyes were and how his hair fell perfectly around his face. "Vic?" He asked and waved his hand in front of my face.

"Sorry...I just..." I zoned out again. "Are you bi?" He asked. That caught my attention, " I don't know." I sighed.

"Ok what do you like about girls?" He asked. I thought about it. I was never really attracted to girls as much as Kellin. "Nothing." I said bluntly and he laughed. "Well then what about me?" He asked. A million and one things popped into my head immediately. "Your eyes are these mesmerizing blue things and your hair fits you perfectly and matches your skin." I spat out without thinking.

He looked shocked. He took a deep breath, "Vic, are you gay?" He asked. I nodded, "I think so." I felt scared but this just felt more natural. "Good because I've been wanting to do this all day." He said and connected our lips.

I kissed back but then stopped when the door opened. It was Mike. He gave me a disgusted look and slammed the door.

I felt my bottom lip star to tremble. "Kellin I don't want to be mean, but I think you should leave." He gave me an understanding yet sympathetic look and left.

As soon as the door was shut I let the tears stream. Was he really disgusted about this? He always supported me! What happened? I got up and went to my bunk so that when everyone came back they wouldn't have to deal with me.

I crawled in and pulled the covers up to head. Eventually everything from today caught up with me and I drifted off, not thinking about tomorrow.

Hey guys! What's your thoughts on SWS's Madness? I'm not sure but it's ok. ❤️

You Kill Me In A Good Way (Kellic mpreg/boyxboy)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat