"My back story"

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Chapter 1

     For me my life has been a little complicated. Hi my name is Sarah, and I am going to be talking about my past story.

    When your little you mostly think about love and it makes you feel something special. But when your little you don't really know much about love. People say you know more about love when you are older.

    I mean in my opinion it could be true that you know more about love when you are older. But sometimes you could also know about love when your young to.                                                                     I mean sometimes young love doesn't really work out or sometimes it's not the correct person. Sometimes there are friends that sometimes fell in love but the problem sometimes is that when they fell in love and they start dating and suddenly they break up there friendship and relationship fells apart.

  That's why they say that young love really doesn't work very well but I mean when you start hanging out with them more you start to have a little more feelings for them so the more you hang out with them the more you will start to fell in love with them more.

The thing about a boy too is that sometimes when you are hanging out with them they sometimes give you the wrong expectations you think they like you but sometimes they don't. Sometimes they like someone else. It's sad because you think they like you but in reality they don't like you.

Sometimes there are miracles and you could find your half piece. But when you don't you have friends that are by your side when you need them the most it's so important to have somebody of someone by your side so that they could be there with you through the good and the bad times.
Friends picture: memories

When you have memories from your friends and family it is a good thing to always have in your system

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When you have memories from your friends and family it is a good thing to always have in your system. Having love with your friends and family is basically the same thing as finding you partner. For me growing up and finding my partner was really hard. I am a 15 year old girl that haven't found her pice.
I have this friend that we been friends for almost
1 year now and to be honest when I first saw him for the first time it was like a little magical place for me.
He was so funny and a dork and a bit of a clums.

But yeah that's how life is. I guess it sometimes doesn't turns the way you want it to turn. One time I found out he had a girlfriend it was hard for me and why wouldn't he. I was happy but still sad in the inside.
I stoped having feelings for him and moved on. I did not like anyone ever since then. I guess when I first saw him it was like he changed my life for completely.
The more we hanged out I started to get feelings again but I said no I can't get them he has a girlfriend and if I start getting feelings again he would have his girlfriend and I will be loving him for the rest of my life until he founds out I been loving him for my life.
One time we were hanging out together and my friends we were in the grass and we were playing Jenga. We play jenga different
We put dares in the pieces of blocks.
His dare was to hold the persons hand to the right until the rest of the game.

And of course I was in the right next to him. Tbh I was embarrassed because I was next to him and I did not want to hold his hand.
But the thing was that we had to hold hands until the rest of the game. And me being shy as always I was dying in the inside.

Tbh it feels good to be with someone that you like.
So I did the challenge and hold his hand for the rest of the game.

Later on that day we had to go back inside because it was getting to dark. He gave me his Snapchat and I gave him mines.

It was a good thing because that's how I got closer to him and talked more with him.
So we been texting for a very long time now
And guess what we became crushes and have feelings for each other.

It was the best day of my life because I got closer with him and that was really really good for me.
The good thing to was that he had a problem back then so I guess we could say he is single

He always come over, and we play outside in the hallway.
I helped him a lot when he had problems and I guess I know what I am good at I could always help people out and make them happy and live a better life.

I was having a really good day until my brother showed me a video about my crush. He was laying down in the grass his head was on top of a grill lap.
The music was saying "kiss me kiss kiss me" so he ended up kissing her.

I started crying and I had to text him quick and tell him about the video and if it was true. While I was texting him my hands were shaking and my phone was covered with a lot of tears I couldn't stop crying.
I broke up with him as a relationship.

A couple of months I forgot about him and I was living a very good life.
On day my sister told me to follow him again because he was having family problems.
So I followed him again. It was hard for me to talk to him again but so I did.
He was telling me all about his problems and stuff like that.

I tried to comfort him so I did. I told him we could still be friends but he wanted to be more than friends but I said no because I didn't want to.
So he accepted to be friends with me.

But I thought that we were going to text like besties do.
But it was the other way around he did not text me that often.
The worst thing that I did was to give him a second change because he did not deserve that second change.
All he did with me was playing around with my feelings and just using me.
I blocked him. I was happy I did it again because I did not wanted to be friends with someone who treated and used girls a lot.
He was a play boy. It's just not fair that boys could just play around with girls and think we are a toy and they could use us whenever they want.

I was happy we weren't friends because I haven't seen him in 1 year so that means that I am doing better now.
I was also happy we weren't a couple because I've never had my gifts kiss and if I had it with him I would of hate it after I found out the truth.

Fun fact they say that a first kiss counts if both of the partners wanted it to happen.

I was living a better life and a non toxic relationship I could say I was a healthy queen.

(If you are reading this I hope you like my book it's just a simple Book. But I really like to write a lot of things and what is on my mind a lot LOL. But anyway I hope you like this books it's actually my first. So please no hate I really don't like that.! And you don't have to like it if you don't want it is okay with so I really don't mind ❤️😉.)

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