Underworldly Passions

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Persephone and Hades often stared at me with a deep hunger that I had not quite understood at that time, however, they decided to teach me the ways of a proper goddess and of the matters of the world and about the various creatures that dwelled within. They could not come up with a name for me or figure out what my powers were beyond my beauty. They just called me their marvelous goddess. They were like a mother and father figure of sorts to describe the relationship, though I was fully grown. I loved them and they loved me, they talked of my beauty constantly, but I was more fascinated with the creatures and beings with different powers I had learned about; they awakened something in me in that I was like them, but my powers were of an entirely different nature I would come to discover.

I had a beautiful bed chamber decorated with various types of dark colored flowers and violet bedding. Persephone would always talk to me late in the evening about many different topics of discussion after our dinner feasts of mainly meat and fruit, but when she would leave she seemed sorry to go like she wanted to express something, but I wasn't sure what it was. I often spoke crudely, but never fully knew what most of my unique language meant until one fateful night during a full moon.

I awoke suddenly in the night with a start, I saw Hades at the foot of my bed. His eyes seemed desperate. His expression was something I was used to seeing when he looked at me, but not of this magnitude. It was curious, I felt my body slightly quiver as he looked at me. Hades then proceeded to tell me what I was destined for. I was destined to be a very powerful goddess of sex and wisdom. The most powerful being ever created, I would cause wars or end them, I could have all of the riches and delicacies in existence, women would love and respect me, and men would be weakened and overcome with their lustful desire for me. However, to invoke these powers Hades had to be the one to show me how to use them. I was wrought with many emotions of the unknown concerning these supposed powers I possessed. Even though I was a goddess, I had never been touched in any way. I was too busy learning my lessons, but this seemed to be the ultimate lesson. I asked why Persephone was not to bear witness to this and Hades said it was to be done in this way with just he and I. He was to be my first lover and he selfishly wanted no one, save himself, to experience that which he had wanted to do since he first laid eyes on me.

He took off his robes and I saw his torso and sex. It created a warm feeling in all of my body and I felt my stomach drop from nervousness. His body was big and strong and his staff was large. He eagerly approached and disrobed me, he then gasped aloud like the day he first saw me, but this time he was going to take me, take me in secret, all to himself finally after waiting and gathering the strength and ability after practicing for this moment on Persephone while he was thinking of me in order to give me this helpful lesson for my powers. He kissed me softly, I had never been kissed before like this, and then he moved to my neck and it was pure bliss to me, but the best was yet to come. He licked my neck, then massaged my breasts and licked my nipples while I moaned. He then moved further down and I was overcome with the unknown and then I felt it: his tongue stroking roughly on what I now know as my little pearl designed by the sea: my lovely clitorous. It felt so delightful that I rocked back and forth, then he proceeded to place his tongue inside me and I was overcome with emotion. He then stopped, he came back up and kissed me again, and I felt his hardness on my stomach, then on my clit. He pushed the head of his cock up and down on it. It felt amazing. Hades then grabbed my arms, spread my legs wider, and with a slight push he entered me and he gasped and groaned at my tightness as it was unlike anything he had ever encountered. I was in ecstasy, this was my purpose, this was my absolute power. It hurt and made me scream and shake the whole room, but it felt fiercely delectable at the same time and I wanted more. He went in further and concentrated very hard on his work to invoke my powers for even though he was a king and a god, he was overwhelmed by my body so much that he knew he had to practice beforehand for this moment nightly with Persephone since I first arrived. It still did not prepare him for how good my body felt and looked. He thrust inside of me as much as he could until he had to take himself out of me and then put me on my stomach. I was eager for this next task. He then used the juices that were left from inside my cunt to then place his member inside of my even tighter other hole. I gasped from pain and pleasure and he released his lust immediately while grunting and groaning very loudly. I also felt a release as my clitorous was rubbed vigorously on the bed while he was pumping inside me. He had accomplished his sacred task and wondered if Persephone would approve or be maddened for he knew she heard them. The whole Underworld knew of what took place and sighed in frustration that they were not able to take the first pleasure from this powerful goddess. This nameless goddess who is more seductive and deadly than a succubus with more gifts and talent than any one divine being should have, and these talents had yet to be fully explored.

A few nights later, I was still sore from Hades. Persephone then appeared in my room. She had all of the look and concern of a doting mother, but had the same look as Hades the night before. She knew I had been with Hades, but was not mad. She seemed a bit jealous even. She asked if I was still sore and I was. She bid me to lie back with my robe open and she would make me well. This was to be my second sensual encounter. She stared down at me with lustful yet envious eyes and then she started to massage my breasts very gently. I loved her touch, I felt myself become warm and the warmth spread down below. She then put her mouth around my left nipple then proceeded to lick and suck on it. I moaned softly, then she caressed me with her left hand and made her way down to my sex, and was stroking my clit slowly. Then she placed her finger inside me and massaged within. I was still sore, but it was so pleasureful these things she did with her hands and mouth. Then I saw Hades to the right of my bed. His sex was thick with hardness as he climbed onto the bed and proceeded to place himself in my moaning mouth. It tasted pleasant and he taught me how to use this power to the fullest, which here again he could barely last. He had to take a break from my powerful mouth and then proceeded to enter Persephone from behind and at that point Persephone's mouth was enveloping my cunt, which had me gasping with pleasure. I then saw Hades riding his wife hard and it spurred me on even more. The motion of Persephone's head on my cunt caused by Hades' hard riding made me release with force so much so that I stopped them. I knew what I wanted now with this new found clarity. I told Persephone to ride me like Hades was riding her, but be on top of me and then I told Hades to get underneath me and place himself in my ass. They were overjoyed with being told what to do by me and immediately set to the task of pleasuring me once more. This strong monarch being ordered by a very beautiful and unknown force excited them. I felt Hades underneath me with his strong masculine body and hardness. He entered me with the floral smelling juices from Persephone that had still lingered on his member and this felt as good as it did the first time and I tightened my grip around him as he groaned and grabbed my breasts from behind as he thrust himself further into me. Meanwhile Persephone placed her cunt on mine and rocked my clit with hers, which in turn rocked Hades' cock back and forth inside me. The goddess of Spring smelled so fragrant and her breasts swaying mesmerized me. I placed my hands around them and stroked her nipples with my thumbs, this made her moan even louder. Hades saw my hands working and he too sighed and grunted with extreme pleasure. The rocking grew more intense, the pressure was building for hours as gods and goddesses can last a while, and suddenly I cried aloud and released a great flow of fluid from within as did Persephone and Hades. Then we all fell into a deep slumber with sighs of contentment.

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