Chapter one

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Tw // rehab facility, mentions of drugs, pills, homophobia, withdrawals

"You think this is funny" The short curly haired brunette spoke to Dream.

Dream smiled as he watched his friend, 5up, pick up the can of 7up and roll his eyes.

Another one of Dreams friends, Fundy, spoke up "I mean it is pretty funny"

5up pushed the bottle of 7up back over to Dream "I don't even like the taste of this stuff"

One of the workers at the rehab facility walked in "Time for room check, everyone head back"

Fundy got up first "See you guys tomorrow" He walked away and waved.

5up followed behind Fundy "Bye Dream"

Dream waved back to both of his friends.

Rehab had been okay recently.

But it wasn't always like this.

-5 weeks earlier-

The black van finally came to a stop. Dream was jolted out of his thoughts. The night sky was dark, small stars could be seen. The street lamps were the only source of light.

Dream got out of the van and followed behind the doctor who drove him over.

The doctor opened the main door and walked both of them inside "Dream I'll check you in and take your bags to your room. We called last night so you should have a sleeping area set up already"

Dream nodded.

This still doesn't feel real.

A woman, who most likely worked at this facility, walked over and introduced herself.

Her smile was bright, she had brown long hair "Hi! You must be Dream. I'm Mumza!" She stuck her hand out for Dream to shake it.

Dream appreciated her kindness, but was still scared out of his mind. He slowly lifted his right hand to shake with the nice woman.

Mumza looked over at the doctor who was with Dream "Nice to see you again Micheal, Dream I can take you to your room now if you're ready"

Dream nodded and followed Mumza.

"This is where you'll be staying for now. It is a bit enclosed since you'll be going through a detox while also on the medication for your shoulder-

Dreams mind wandered as the woman spoke.

"After a week or so you'll get to go to the main rooms with other patients if all is well-

He didn't want to be here, it felt wrong.

"There will be sharing circles and things to do with other patients to help you along your journey-

He felt so alone.

"Once the doctors and you feel like it's okay for you to be released that will be a decision being made in the future-

Dream spoke quietly and cut her off "I don't want to be here"

Mumza stopped talking for a moment and looked over at the blonde teen. She noticed the terrified look in his eyes. He stared at the floor, most likely not even listening to her words.

Which he wasn't.

Mumza walked over to Dream "This isn't going to be easy, but there will be so many people helping you Dream. You have to believe in yourself, we all do"

Dream bit his bottom lip and nervously looked around the enclosed room "I don't feel good"

Mumza motioned towards Dreams bed "Maybe try to get some rest. You'll definitely feel some withdrawal symptoms soon, but a doctor will be in here at all time keeping watch"

On the Inside | (AU) Dreamnotfound Where stories live. Discover now