the story begins

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"Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars!" Twilight sang sadly on the balcony, her orbs pointed into the distance. 

"I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now." A tear glinted in the moonlight and sprinted down Twilight's flesh . 

Twilight hang her head in melancholy as she thought about the love of her life that had arrested her heart, Mordecai. 

Mordecai was unmatchedly, beautifully, underrated. With his long legs that looked like a twig you could easily snap, to his long-ass beak that was coloured with a shade of grey as dark as the night.

He might be fictional, and she might be delusional, but Mordecai was alive in her heart. 

As she turned back into the extravagent, sassy concrete structure as she reeled through her brains interpretation of events, she out a ear shattering vibration that rapidly knocked air particles into eachother at an alarming rate. 


Mordecai was determined. He felt the power of a little motivation and gullibility that he needed to close his eyes and visulise himself inside the dimension of My Little Pony. He upturned the corners of his food hole as he felt myself get rewritten into the time of My Little Pony. 

'This is it' His brain whispered internally. 'I am finally going to see Twilight.'

When he peeled back the lids for his orbs, Mordecai glossed his eyes over the interior of the overwhelingly purple rectangle box that was coloured in the shade of #CC9CDF, and almost had a free trail of death. 

'I'M FINALLY IN MY LITTLE PONY, I CAN SEE TWILIGHT!!' His brain screamed at an unresonable level of Decibles. 

His victory died when he heard something that sounded like a dying whale. His first instinct was to clamp his hands over his outer ear cartilage and save his tympanic membran from ruptering, however, he stopped short when he aimed his attention at the horrific screeching. He realised that the dying whale sound was actually forming comprehensible vibrations.

"Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars!"

Mordecai's brain was crashing. He thought this was Twilight's #CC9CDF shaded box? Why is there someone who is decidedly not Twilight mimicing a colony of ants when they spot a 300ft ant-eater sucking up all of their mates on the elevated platform that can be accessed through doors made of delicate see-through material?

"I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now."

The pony-shaped purple-coloured figure sashayed through the glass doors, and promptly raped his ears after her brain registered the person standing in front of her. 

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