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unknown number: hey, y/n! it's bo!
you have changed this number to 'bo'
you: hey! wanna meet up tomorrow?
bo: i'd love that! the coffee shop?
you: of course! meet at 11?
bo: sure! it's a date! ;-)

i sighed as i lay on my bed. i can't believe this is happening. this is insane, i've idolized his work for years. i shut my eyes, waiting to fall asleep so tomorrow would come faster.

next thing i knew the sun was peaking through my windows. it was 10 am and i got out of bed faster than i have in awhile. i was more stoked than i was for the comedy show. i ran to the bathroom and took a hot shower, by the time i was out it was 10:20. i put on some blush, lipgloss and mascara. i didn't want to try too hard. i exited my bathroom checking the clock again, 10:25. looking through my closet, i found a nicer shirt than what i typically wear. it was a red short sleeve shirt that tied around the front, it was mildly fitted but loose at the same time. i paired it with a dark pair of jean shorts which made it look a little less formal. my phone dinged, it was a text from bo.

bo: hey! i'm gonna be earlier than expected. meet at 10:45 instead?
you: sure!
bo: okay! see you then!

i screamed a little, i can't believe this is happening. it was now 10:40, i put my black converse on and peeled off.

walking through the sidewalks that bustled with activity i weaved my way through the masses. seeing the coffee shop's storefront up ahead, walking in the small of roasting beans and baked goods flooded my nostrils. it was the best smell in the world. gazing through the tables i found bo, staring down at his phone. once more my phone dinged.

bo: i see you. <3
you: creep.

he smiled looking up at me, i walked over pulling up a chair.

"woah! y/n, you look really good today." he said noticing my outfit.

"are you implying i don't look good everyday, mr. burnham?" i giggled at my own joke.

"why of course not." he faked a shocked expression "wanna grab a coffee?" bo ran his fingers through his hair scratching the back of his head.

"of course!" i said getting out of my seat. we made our way to the front.

"i'll have an iced coffee!" bo told the cashier "how about you, y/n?" he asked gazing down at me.

"i'll have a mocha cookie crumble frappe!" i said, the cashier wrote our orders down.

"your total comes to $7.50!" she said waiting for the payment. i reached in my pocket getting the money.

"y/n, it's fine! i got it!" bo said, pulling out his card.

"are you sure?" i asked, he doesn't have to pay.

"i insist." bo swiped his card into the machine before i could say anything else.

the cashier put in our orders and we went back to our seats waiting for our names to be called. three minutes later taylor emerged from the back calling bo's name for the order. we walked over to get our drinks, and of course taylor had to make it awkward.

"awe look at you two. i saw that look bo gave you as you walked in." she teased

bo blushed, but i'm assuming that's because she's teasing us like a middle school girl.

"thanks, taylor! catch you later?" i asked sipping my drink.

"i can't, my boyfriend and i are going to the movies. maybe tomorrow!" she said resting her arms on the counter "anyways, i have to get back to work. catch you later!" she said walking to the back of the cafe.

bo and i went back to our seats. he sipped his coffee before speaking.

"but yeah- are you down for the comedy club? i spoke with the guy last night and he said he'd love to have you!" bo's eyes filled with excitement, i think he knew what my anwser would be.

"of course! when's the show?" i asked trying to not scream my head off.

"five days from now. each performer has a twenty minute set so your coffee shop routine will be fine!" he said showing me a photo of the venue on his phone.

"do you want to come over to my apartment and run through skits?" i asked, i really want to get to know bo better.

"i'd love that, actually." he spoke, pulling out his phone.

i texted him my address.

he smiled "you know, it's only 11:30. want to head over to the park?" bo gestured out the door, grabbing his drink.

"sure! i'd love that! it's been forever since i've been!" and with that we were out the door.

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