Meme and Boo?

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"Do you have everything? Your clothes? Your blankets? Your fire bending scrolls and books? Your winter clothes to see Gran Gran? Food for the trip to the South Pole? Your swords? Money for food when you get there?" Said dad.

I smiled yes daddy I do I said boarding my fathers boat. I turned so I can face dad.

"Oh I'm gonna miss you around here, I know... I know you must go, I'm just always gone and you need to have some kind of a childhood" said dad.

Daddy uncle Tenzin will take care of me.

"I know but the real reason I'm sending you off is so you can find your big brothers, Mako and Bolin. You will always be my little girl" said dad.

   I smile and you'll always be my father and family even if not by blood. I gave my father a kiss on the cheek. I laughed I'll miss you too dad, I said hugging him. He got off the ship and the crew sailed off towards the South Pole. After a week of sailing we finally made it to the South Pole. And of course Gran Gran was there to greet me. I smiled as I got off the boat running to give her a huge.

"oh finally I haven't seen you in what... (scratches her head) 3 years? Oh my have you grown so much." Said Gran Gran Katara.

   I smiled I've miss you too Gran Gran. And as if on cue Oggie bear as I call him landed a few feet away from us.

"Cousin Nikki is here" I smiled as Meelo my baby cousin come running over to me.

I looked over to see uncle Tenzin and aunt Pema come into view, I ran over to them and gave them a hug. I met Avatar Korra and learn that uncle Tenzin has to go back to Republic city with me of course and without Korra. Uncle Tenzin helped me get all my belongings and we were headed back to the city.

    I woke up super early one morning, I got up, got dressed and I was headed outside when I was called. I walked over to were uncle Tenzin was yes sir?

" I know why you father sent you and you can come and go as you please but curfew is at 10." said uncle Tenzin.

I smiled yes sir. I gave him a huge and left. I jumped on the feery and headed to the city.

   When I got off th feery. I looked around people everywhere. I sighed how the hell I am going to find who I am let alone my big brothers in the city! After hours of asking people if they knew or heard of my brothers names I gave up and sat on the floor in the park exhausted. I then over heard a group of fan girls talking about the fire ferrets pro - bending team players Mako and Bolin? They gave me the address and am now standing outside a huge building. I walked inside cautiously of course. I was walking when I heard...


   I looked into a room, a gym I think to see three boys, a water bender, a fire bender and an earth bender. Dad said my brothers were a fire and earth bender. I slowly walked in. I stopped behind them cleared my throat the 3 boys turned and looked at me.

"No fan girls allowed in here get out!" The water bender yelled at me as he pushed me toward the door.

No please listen just for a moment please!

"No autographs, no pictures and no we will not teach you to bend better." said the water bender.

But... But.. But sir.

"NO NOW GET OUT STUPID FANGIRL!" The water bender yelled.

   After finally getting out of his grip I pinned him down, but he got out of my grip and dragged me toward the door once more and out of frustration, I'M LOOKING FOR MY BIG BROTHERS! MAKO AND BOLIN! I yelled when the water bender stopped and turned toward the other to boys.

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