Prisoner of war

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*Clint and Natasha sitting in jail together*

Natasha: So who should we call?

Clint: I'd call Tony, but I feel safer in jail

Natasha: Would you rather call Steve? I feel like the disappointment in his face may be worse.

Clint: We could call Thor...

Natasha: Oh, so now you just want another friend in here with us? He would cause a scene.

Clint: Well who els-- No!

Natasha: Oh come on! He'll just get us out and shake his head, I'll take that over the rest.

Clint: I said no, I would rather sit in here for the night.

Natasha: You need to get over it eventually.

Clint: He kissed you! We aren't calling Bruce!

Natasha: Clint...That was a fucking dream you idiot!

Clint: Still hurts.

Natasha: I'm calling Tony.


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