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HARRY     TW, f slur.

I woke up at 6:30 to the chirp of my phone. I groaned as I rolled over to see who rung. Simon. Shit. SHIT. My eyes widened as I called him back. I set it on the bedside table and sat up as he answered. 

"Harry." I sighed. I never liked how formal he was.

"Yes Simon?" I replied, honestly a little scared for what the news was. Back in the days of one direction Lou and I had gotten a lot of calls saying to be less flamboyant. I hadn't seen the man in honestly too long so it couldn't be that. 

"So, will you be packing?" Huh?

"Sorry, what were you saying. A little to early." I said lowly, honestly a bit scared. He sighed, clearly angered. 

"I was saying, I have decided that you boys come back together. I've already talked to the rest of them and they're on board." The part about them not having a  choice went unsaid. 

"So you have today to pack then at 8 tonight you will hop on a flight to New York for meetings and then on the 10 year anniversary. Got that or did you zone out again?" He explained, rather rudely. I shut my mouth before I said anything I'd regret. Treat people with kindness, Harry. Even him. 

"Got it. How long will I be there?" 

"About a month. You and the other four lads will be staying in a house upstate. Please pack normal clothes. No ridiculous suits or fag dresses" I could hear the smirk. This homophobic piece of shit. 

"Fuck you. I'll wear what I see fit, not what you think, you bastard." Screw TPWK. He sighed and the line went dead. 

I got up to make myself a cup of coffee. Ill have to be at the airport by 7:30. My coffee maker slowed to a stop and I popped a piece of toast in the toaster. I had noticed how Simon had said four lads. That meant Zayn would be joining us. I couldn't help but smile at that. Of course we were all sad at him leaving and the band wasn't complete without him and honestly was part of the reason for the break. I'm really happy his mental health is better now and he is overall better now. And Liams. Poor Liam. He never spoke up about his struggles in the one direction days but we all knew how he was struggling. 

I got so lost in my thoughts that as the toast popped up, I jumped and fell over a chair. 

"Ow," I groaned and I got back up.      

I sat down with my toast and coffee and tapped the group message with the boys. It hasn't been used since Louis time as a judge on X factor. 

Hey guys. I can't wait to see you lads tonight. It has been too long. Love you all-H. I typed. My thumb hovered over the send button for a moment before I fully sent it. 

I was about to have a flight with four of my best friends who I haven't seen in years, one of them used to be a lover, and only had about 12 hours to prepare. I finished my food and stood so I could go pack. I checked my phone and say that Niall and Liam had replied. 

Harry, we know its you mate. No need to put the H. I'm overjoyed to be seeing you all however. Was from Liam and Niall had written I bet you cant wait to see the best member of the band, ME!  I giggled at both of their replies. Good to see they haven't changed too much. Or at least the way they text. 

I walked to my room and threw open my closet. I stared at my sweaters and trousers that were folded neatly. Hanging up were nicer shirts and suits and a few dresses. I grabbed a few pairs of skinnys, sweatpants, and one pair of dress pants and chucked them into the start of a pile. I grabbed my favorite sweaters and t-shirts and threw these all into the pile on my bed. I threw my favorite pair of boots on top. I threw in a dress and two suits as well, just to piss of Simon.

I grabbed my suitcases and spent the next hour folding and placing every article of clothing neatly in them. Liam and I were always the neat ones. I stuck to my ways. Unsure about him. 

Around 8:30 I realized I was still in my pajamas. I went back to my closet and grabbed one of the remaining pairs of sweat pants as well has an old t-shirt. I threw on my sneakers as well. I went to the mirror and tried to tame my curls but gave up and threw on a blue beanie. I grabbed a backpack and went to my bathroom to pack up my travel toiletries. Those all were in a little bag with little fish on them. 

In the rest of the backpack I put a hoodie, extra beanies, extra masks, my newly filled water bottle, and a few snacks that I could share with the boys as well. I set up my 3 suitcases with the backpack on top by the door to my flat. It's only 10 in the morning. I'm leaving at 7 tonight. I checked my phone and saw the other lads replied. 

Yeah. I am really happy its all five of us. Also, Ni, we all know I'm the best one here. Was from Louis and I'm just glad you lads were still letting me back. was from Zayn. I immediately responded to that. 

Zayn, The band isn't proper without you. We needed, and still need you. We couldn't call it a reunion without our Bradford bad boy, now could we? And Louis, don't be so sure you hold that title for long:). Best wishes, H. That felt good enough so that's what I sent.

I decided I needed some fresh air  before seeing these boys again. I grabbed a mask, for both not being seen and there's a fucking pandemic and I am not stupid. I left, making sure I had my keys and the door locked. I set out through London. It was early April so it was still brisk but nice. 

I let my mind wander as I walked. I realized that the only solo stuff I had fully listened to was Nialls. I couldn't bring myself to listen to Louiss stuff and Zayn and Liams songs were good but not as much my speed. 

I knew I had time to kill so I went to some cafe for lunch and kept walking. I got back to my flat at around 5 as I had done some light shopping as well. I had run into some fans who were incredibly respectful and we managed to get a photo even with staying apart. I figured I should make some food before I leave and made a chicken dish. around 5:30 I was done and decided that since the airport is kinda far I should get going. I called the driver and he was here before I know it. I put my stuff in the trunk and slid into the back seat. I texted Simon.

Hello Simon. I was just wondering if we are allowed to post things with the boys? Thank you-H.

I set my phone down and let out a breath. My phone chirped and I saw his answer. 

You may post things with the boys, just don't mention a reunion. Okay, fair enough. I sat back and tried to ignore the knot of anxiety in my stomach. 

I must have nodded off because I woke up to the driver saying we were there. I looked at the clock and saw it was 7:15. Perfect. I got out and helped the driver with my bags. Once I entered the airport, I saw the boys. They all were standing apart, so they could be unmasked. Liam looked just older but not very different. Niall had gone back to his natural hair color and looked much more mature. Zayn had a bit of facial hair and over all looked amazing. And Louis. He looked even better, if that was possible. Striking blue eyes, bright smile, his hair was a bit shorter, kissable lips- wait. NOPE. I'm going to ignore that thought. They turned and saw me. Liam smiled. He looked like a little puppy. 

"Harold! Get your ass over here!" A loud Irish voice yelled out. I returned the smiles.

This is where I belong.

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