The second task

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"I am never letting you go,never again "said Fred

"Whatever you say Mr loverman"

"Come on, let's get inside, don't want you to get a cold "said Fred,now walking back hands entwined.

"arh, I am never wearing heels again,it's like walking barefoot on rocks"

"Is that so "said Fred picking her up

"Well this work"s said Aurora

"Wait do you hear that"

"hear what"


"is that crying"

"Oh no it's Hermione"

"I am going to see if she okay, I will see you later "she said giving him a kiss on the cheek

"as you wish"

"Hermione are you okay"

"No I am not okay it's Ronaled he just RUDE" and she was now telling her what happen

"He will come around and until than he doesn't deserve you she said giving her a hug "and besides he's just jealous I mean you did come with Victor krum" Hermione let out a chuckle

"Thanks, why are you all weted?"


Twas the night before the second task I'm professor McGonagle head called Hermione and Fred into her office

"Miss Granger and Mr Weasley thank you for coming" said professor McGonagle

"Are we in trouble| said Hermione worried

"Whatever it was it was not me said Fred upping his hands up in defence

"No one is in trouble"

"So you know about you know" said Fred

"About what "said Professor McGonagle

"Nothing" said Fred relieved that she didn't know about the prank on Slytherin's

I'm very sorry this is not my choice and we're going to go

"Err what's not your choice" said Fred

"Professor?" said Hermione. She didn't say anything and everything went black.


Aurora POV

It was the day of the second task she hadn't seen Fred all day it seemed no one knew where he was and to make it even more strange Hermione was gone as well which is very unlike her that being said aurora found out that's the second task involves swimming underwater for a long amount of time, but good for sh knew Neville longbottom.

"Thank you Neville said Aurora giving him a kiss on the cheek,Neville face was red as a tomato

"I-ttt w-as no problem I hope it works "

"Hope it works"?

"Well some say there a difference between saltwater and freshwater"

"Your telling me this now"

"well um I-"

"If I die tell I need you to make sure that Hermione and Ron get together Promise me"

"UM I don't know I don't think I can really do with that or anything really"

"Don't say that Nev, you're so brave even if you don't know it yet" she said, giving him a hug.


"put that in your mouth" said Mad eye Moody

In the back around Dumbledore was saying that that got four of there treasures and At the sound of canned to go


Aurora jumped she had grow fines cool she thought

"What the matter with her" said Seamus

"I don't know I can't see her" said Dean

"OH MY GOD I KILLED AURORA POTTER" said Naville put just than Aurora did a flip out of the water she was swimming when she hard singing but just than a knocked off Aerial attacked her

"Get off me go bother Eric or something" she said pushing her off. 'In the distance she saw Fred, everyone had got the other people well, everyone but Fleur. she got Fred but she could not leave the little girl, so she got her to. Was against the rules, yes did she care no. Now little gremlins things were trying to drown her but she was no Regulus black she was Aurora potter. She let go of Fred and the little girl so they could float up so she used her wand to make them go away which did work out in her favier she then used a spell to bring herself back up.

"AURORA" yelled Harry coming with a towel

"Worried were you " said she rufflinling his hair

"shove off, I am just happy you're not dead."

"Yeah me to" said Aurora

"You save her, you save her, my little sister even if you didn't need to"said Fleur

"of course us big sister have to stick together "

"Thank you" she said giving her a hug


"BLONDIE "said Fred" Oh thank Merlin you're okay when you didn't come back up- oh he said give her hug

"No need to fear if Aurora is here, I am happy you're okay too, you were there too you know.

"I don't care if I was there I would die to make sure your okay " said Fred

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