Chapter 33 - Redemption Part II - Dating

Start from the beginning


Footsteps echo behind me on the trail as I'm heading home. Looking over my shoulder I see the three stooges again. It wasn't enough that they made me feel like shit at work; now it looks like they're going to harass me on my way home too. Today just went from bad to worse. I sped up a little, maybe they'll leave me alone.

"Aveeeerrryyy." They call behind me. I ignore them, keeping my head down and walk even faster.

It doesn't work though, they speed up and run towards me calling for me to stop. I look around, just now realizing that there isn't anyone else on the trail. It's a shortcut through a corner of the woods and it saves me ten minutes on the walk between work and home. A lot of people jog along the trail but it looks like I'm out of luck today. There isn't anyone else visible right now.

"What do you want, Dave?" I ask with a sigh as they catch up to me.

"You should stop when we call you, little fag boy", Dave sneers. "If you know what's good for you."

"I have things to do." I say, turning back the way I was heading and walking away. I'm shivering inside, I hope it isn't obvious to them.

Before I can take more than a few steps, one of them grabs my arm and jerks me back causing me to stumble into him. I grab onto the arm that is holding me; looking up, it's Clay.

"Watch who you're touching, fag." Clay yells right into my face; I'm only inches away. I let go, stunned by the malice in his eyes. I neglect to point out that he was the one who touched me first and he's the one who made me fall into him. It would be pointless and only cause more trouble for me.

Before I can move away, they have me surrounded. Now I can't leave without bumping into one of them and that won't be good. It's clear that they intend to beat me up like they did back in school. Jacob reaches up to shove my shoulder, pushing me off balance. Before I can recover, there's another shove, this time it's Clay pushing me into Dave. Dave pushes me back towards Jacob and before I know it, I'm being shoved between them like a pinball in a machine.

Instead of just using their hands to push, they've balled up their fists and are punching with each push. My eyes are filling up with tears and I'm scared. I thought that once I graduated from school I wouldn't have to see these guys again. It's clear that they followed me from the diner; I know from back in school that they live in another part of town.

I don't know how long they were pushing me around and punching me, but I was hurting already. I knew there were going to be bruises tonight; my only real hope was that they wouldn't go further and really start hitting me. That's what I was really afraid of.

"Hey, what's going on?" A new voice called, a voice I recognized because it was the voice of the guy I've gone out with a few times lately, Pete Danver.

For a moment, the bullying stops as my tormentors are distracted. Pete is wearing shorts and a tank top and he's all sweaty; he's out for a jog.

He walks towards us, his face taking on an angry expression when he sees me and realizes that I'm being bullied. I can't help feeling a flush of heat in my stomach seeing his studly form approach. For a second, I forgot that I was being used as a human pinball.

"It's none of your business", Dave snaps as the unexpected new player stops in front of us. The three stooges puff themselves up with false bravado as they face off against the newcomer.

Pete ignores them, stepping between Clay and Dave, pushing Dave out of the way as he throws his arm over my shoulder. "Are you okay, Avery?" He asks, taking the stooges by surprise. They didn't expect that this would be someone I know. The tears I've been holding back finally escape and I'm not able to say anything.

His strong arms envelop me, pulling me close against his chest. For once in my life I feel safe from my bullies.

"Looks like you made my boyfriend cry," Pete says, turning a glare that could melt steel on the three bullies. "I don't like that, I think it's time to make you three cry instead."

Dave laughs. "What, you're a faggot too? You want a beating too? We're three against one." He ignores me, knowing that I am useless if it comes to a fight. I've never been able to even protect myself.

Within seconds, the three stooges move into place surrounding us again. Clay attacks first, swinging at Pete with all his strength. Without even breaking a sweat, Pete reaches out and grabs Clay's moving fist, stopping it mid-air shocking all three of them. Moments later, without any effort at all from Pete, Clay is on the ground screaming with his shoulder twisted out of it's socket.

Before the other two recover from this surprising turn of events, Jacob falls back with a broken nose and Dave doubles over with a fist to his stomach. It was over in what seemed like the blink of an eye. Pete was the only one left standing and I could see fear in their eyes. They've probably never had anybody stand up to them before, they're basically cowards underneath it all. Now one of them had a dislocated shoulder and another had a broken nose and the last one was going to have difficulty breathing for a while.

"If any of you even look cross eyed at Avery again, I will personally rip you to shreds." Pete scowls at the three men laying on the ground. "Beat it!"

They jump up and run off, afraid of what Pete might do if they try anything else. I hope he scared them enough that they'll stay away in the future.

Just as Pete turns back to me, a deep growl sounds from the edge of the woods. Pete turns back around, pushing me behind him as two huge wolves with blood red eyes stalk out of the trees.

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