Chapter 6. Love+Hate=Pain.

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Joey wasn't pleased with the google results at all. He continued to google around about what he was feeling, and it all lead to the same answer...

"Love... What a fucking joke. That's not at all what I feel towards him. He's a scum. A jackass. A big brat with a golden spoon in his mouth. He's an arrogant jerk that got no heart! Yeah... that's right! He's a heartless creature who can't even love! So, how can I love someone who can't even love me?! Not that I care that he wouldn't love me... but... AAGGHH!!"

Joey yelled out. He was very frustrated with his own feelings. He had never felt like this before towards someone so he couldn't really explain it either.

"Whatever. Nothing matters anyways. My feelings towards him doesn't mean a damn."

He tried to play it off like it was nothing and finally got out of bed, but by the time he did, he realized that he had been on his phone way to long. The clock was already 4pm, and they had planned to eat dinner together at 6pm. He still had to shower and then get ready and walk over there, which was going to take a while since his broken rib made him unable to walk very fast.

"This sucks... I bet I'll regret going there."

As Joey prepared himself both mentally and physically, he finally was ready to walk over there. He wore an oversized red hoodie with black ripped jeans that he had bought from a second hand store. It fit him well, but the arms and legs were a bit long on him. He stepped out of his home and locked the door after himself, he then turned around to se a car there waiting for him. It said KC on it.

"Huh... guess they thought of me..."

Joey felt a bit embarrassed as he walked up to the car, which Isono quickly came out from when he saw Joey and opened the back door for him.

"Good afternoon Mr Wheeler. Please, step inside the vehicle carefully."

Isono said and bowed his head. Joey was now totally embarrassed and didn't know what to say or how to act.

"I-Isono... P-Please just call me Joey..."

Joey said as he felt uncomfortable having that title. Isono nodded with a soft smile and helped Joey into the car. He then went to sit on the driving seat and started up the car.

"How have you been Joey? Last time I saw you, you weren't looking too well."

"Oh! I'm all better now! If it weren't for my broken arm and my broken rib it would've been so much better, but yeah... it is what it is!"

Joey smiled brightly and tried to think positively about it. Isono smiled a little.

"I am glad you're all better now. We were all very worried about your health during the time you were kidnapped. We all did what we could in order to find you, but no one worked as hard as Mr Seto Kaiba did. He really worked day and night in order to find the simplest clue in hope that he could find you..."

Isono said and then checked on how Joey would react to that statement. Just like Mokuba, Isono thought that Joey and Seto would be good for one another. He knew Seto was interested, now he just had to make sure Joey was too, and just as Isono had predicted, Joey seemed to be interested in Seto too. His cheeks were all red now, and he tried to hide it by looking out through the window, but Isono could still see it from the rear mirror.

"O-oh? Well, I don't want to sound all negative now but Isono... Kaiba just cared because he promised Mokuba to bring me home. Otherwise he wouldn't give a damn- l-I mean... he wouldn't care..."

"Maybe it's hard to believe since you didn't see it with your own eyes, but please, believe me when I tell you that he truly cared to find you."

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