Chapter 6: Who is Jessica?

Start from the beginning

She doesn't need to convince me. I'm not closed minded. Although I understand Sooyoung's side because after all, she treasured their friendship and maybe Taeyeon distancing herself from them hurt her a lot too. But like I said, they don't have the rights to accuse her like that especially they have never heard her side.

Anyway, the Taeyeon I see today is very mysterious. But on the other hand, I trust her. There's something in me that tells me to trust her. And I'll do just that. I'll help them solve this problem. That's for sure.

"I see no reason to be distant from Taeyeon, Sunny. Besides, after my two days of stay in this place, she treated me right. Although she glare a lot and she's cold as ice, she didn't do anything to hurt me so far. So don't worry." I placed my hand on top of hers as I assured her.

"Taeyeon may be different now but I can still read emotions through her eyes. Sometimes she's good at hiding them. But most of the time, I can tell what she feels." I raised an eyebrow at that. So, what does she mean by that?

"I'm just saying, the way she looks at you is different. I've seen it before. I think she likes you, Tiffany. I really think she does." My eyes widened at that. Taeyeon's voice that tells me she likes me ring on my ear.

"She told you?" Sunny smiled at me. I think she figured what's on my mind. I slowly nod my head then I heard a loud cheer from her.

"Why are you so happy, Sunny? We should warn Tiffany to be careful." Sooyoung glared at the short lady.

"Don't worry about me, Sooyoung. I have a boyfriend." I said it like as if it's an enough of a reason for my safety. I received a nod from Sooyoung while Sunny stopped her cheers.

"But... You can at least be friends right?" Sunny sat up beside me. I nod my head to her and she gave me a sweet smile.

"Tiffany, it was very hard for us to lose both of our friends in just a snap. Jessica was went missing and Taeyeon became so distant to us. Everytime I see her, I can't help but to miss her and feel the longing for our friendship." Sunny started seriously. I think I know where she's going with this statement.

"I was just wondering if you could..."

"Be the way to restore your friendship?" I continued.

She nod her head slowly and apologetically. If I thought I knew how much she treasure their friendship with Taeyeon, I think I have to question myself with that again. Because clearly, her love for her friends is undying. It's immeasurable.

"I'll do what I can." I smiled. Yoona and Sunny cheered happily. I think they really miss Taeyeon. That stubborn should've at least told them her side. These misunderstandings could've been avoided.

"I hope you know what you're doing." Sooyoung calmly spoke to me this time. I know she wanted to hear Taeyeon's side too. But I think she won't admit that until the latter speak to them.

"And please ask her where is Jessica." She quickly added.

"Choi Sooyoung!" Sunny scolded.

"What? I was just saying. Who knows? Maybe Taeyeon really have an idea where in the world could be that girl is." Sooyoung shrugged casually.

I chose not to tell them about what I saw from Taeyeon's phone. I don't wanna draw more accusations in their minds. I plan to tell them once I find out where this Jessica could be hiding. One thing's for sure though. Taeyeon knew where she is.


It was 10 pm when I decided to go back in my shared apartment with Taeyeon. When I get in, I saw her still sitting at the couch in front of the television, watching an animated film. How unexpected. The cold Taeyeon is watching a cute animated films. She's just as cute as the main character though.

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