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So the final final update is here...

Meet you all at the end of this fic!


3 months later...

"Stop wasting my time, Niall! I have work to do!" Liam says, pushing Niall from the counter.

"Oh c'mon Liam, you can give me some discount, after all you work in a Supermarket!"

"I can't give you a discount on a single Biscuit packet, Niall... " Liam says, putting some things on the shelf in front of him.

"Then buy some more for me"

"Who do you think I am?"

"My Sugar Daddy!" Niall says and ducks his head when Liam tries to hit him with something.

"Go away Niall! Go and find a job for yourself."

"You know how hard it is to find a nice job nowadays right?! I'm already tired just with the thought of it! Therefore I think it's better to find a Sugar Daddy for myself, instead!" Niall says with a proud smile like he said some big brain thing. And Liam can't help but smile to at that.

"Then go and find yourself one"

"But I don't want to meet strangers..."

"Says the one who once forced me to go out of my home and meet peo-" Liam's stills at the memory.

'Where are you, I want to meet you again and make you feel everything you made me feel that day and be with you'

"I'm sorry... "

"Why are you sorry?" Liam says when he gets out of his thoughts.

"You met him... that day... because of me right? So-"

"And that is undoubtedly the best thing you ever did for me! So no need to feel sorry!" Liam says, chuckling at his own words.

"But after that, you never went out with another guy!" Niall says with a pout on his face. And Liam wants to giggle at that.

"Because I don't need to! I believe I met the perfect guy and I'm happy with that!" He says and before Niall can say anything else, he says "And besides that, I know I'll meet him again so I don't want him to see me with any other guy!"

"He will surely meet you again, Liam" Niall says now mirroring the smile on Liam's face.

"Yes!!!" Liam says excitedly.

"And if he doesn't, then I'll find him and make my Sugar Daddy, beat the shit out of him!" They both start laughing at that.

And just like that, every time someone enters through the door, Liam wishes it to be Zayn.


Zayn is sitting in front of this guy and he already wants to run away. He won't call it a date as his parents forced him to go out with this guy, who's sitting in front of him and pretending to be drinking coffee. He's not drinking it because Zayn ordered Tea opposite of what he had expected.

Zayn has no problem with coffee but everytime he thinks about drinking coffee, his mind gets filled with image of-


'How badly I wanted to taste those lips that day, I won't mind getting high on caffeine like that'

Wonder where he is? What he must be doing right now? Is he with someone else? Does that person make him happy? Does that person touch Liam the same way he did? Or is it the other way?

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