Well who vanished?

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Yeah that's me. Totally had my phone broken all summer long and I am embarrassed to say it had ALL my passwords in. 

So yea.... Anyway I didn't actually think people would notice this book. Ok only two of them. But it's a start isn't it? And I am SOOOOO so sorry I didn't keep up with you all. 

With no other excuses please let me reentroduce this project of mine. 

"If you are new let me repeat what my goal for 'that book' is. So basically has it ever happened that you are thinking about your book lala land, your bad boy going through the streets with his heroine on a badass motorbike... BUT then it all comes crashing down when you know all the basics of that book and can't recall the title of it? Well here it is ladies and - MAYBE, hopefully- gentlemen... This is whattpad! We are all friends here for the better or for the worse. We love reading. So why not help each other?In THAT book you can.

Just comment whatever you remember. And we'll try. The theme? The characters? The story line? Anything. And good luck." 

A. Miller

P.S.Share with your friends ;) 

P.S.S. I will post the few requests in the next two parts. 

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