His idea?

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---Tacenda- things better left unsaid; matters to be passed over in silence----

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---Tacenda- things better left unsaid; matters to be passed over in silence----

"Your late. " Aizawa- sensei said briefly looking up from the chalk board. " I-I'm sorry I woke up late." He nodded. " Go to your seat, don't just stand there." She quickly walked to her seat. Mina stared at her as she sat down beside her. " Are you o-"   " No talking." Aizawa shouted. Mina closed her mouth and tore a piece of paper out of her notebook. She began scribbling.

(On the paper. M= Mina. Y=y/n)

M- hey are you okay?

Y- Yeah just couldn't sleep last night.

M- oh alright. Me and the the squad are going out to eat wanna come?

Y- I gotta see if it's okay with my mom.

M- kk


Y/n crumpled up the paper and stuffed it in her  pocket. She laid her head on the desk and fell into a silent sleep. She was shook awake, her eyes forcefully opened. " Hey wake up it's time for 2nd period." Mina said grabbing her backpack. " Oh I slept the whole class?" She nodded as Aizawa- sensei cleared his throat. " You should get to class, your gonna be late." He said they nodded. " I had Midoriya take notes for you." She nodded, walking out the classroom and down the hall.
(After school)

She walked home, the silence had become peaceful. She twisted the door nob and found that it was unlocked. " Hey mom?" She looked around and she found a note on the coffee table. 'I'll be gone for the week. If the bill collector comes don't answer the door.' She balled the note up and threw it on the ground. She walked over to the fridge and opened it. It was empty except for a few eggs and a bottle of milk. " What did I expect? She doesn't care if I ate or if I staved." She closed the fridge and grabbed her phone.

-mina and y/n-
Y- Alright I can come. Where are we meeting?

M- Yayyy and we're meeting at the old park.

Y- 'Kay I'll be there


" Woo I'm am hungry!!" Denki yelled as they walked down the street. " Me too, bro. P.E really burned a lot of calories." Denki and Kirishima nodded. " Where are we going anyway?" Jirou asked as she looked down the street. " To the best restaurant, that's where." Katsuki said pointing to a spicy ramen shop down the street. " Aw come on! You know I hate spicy foods." Denki complained. " How? You always steal my hot Cheetos!" Mina yelled. " Hey y/n?" She looked up from her phone and pulled out her earphones. " Yeah? Whats up?" She said blankly. " You good bro? You've been really quiet, like freakishly quiet." Denki said as they all stopped walking and turned toward y/n. " Geez, I'm fine I was just listening to Jirou's new playlist she sent me." Jirou raised her eyebrows but said nothing. " Okay let's keep walking I'm getting hungry too." Sero said not taking his eyes off y/n.

"Hi my name is Hinata, May I take you order?" A lady with long, black hair that was in a neat ponytail asked. " Yeah, I'll have the Extra, extra, extra, extra spicy chicken Ramen." She nodded, writing down his order. "Ooh y'all have pink ramen!!" Mina yelled loud enough that the whole restaurant stopped eating and stared at them. " Yes we do. It's our special today. Would you-" the lady was cut off. " Yes! Is that even a question?" The lady sweat dropped. " I'll have the beef and egg ramen." Kirishima said as he pointed to the beef ramen on the menu. She wrote his order down, looking up when she finished. " I'll have the squid ink ramen, please and thank you." Denki said smirking. " Weird choice. Anyway I'll have the Shrimp and green onion ramen." Sero said to the lady. " Um- yeah sure." The lady said blushing. Denki pulled Sero aside. " Bro- she's totally into you!" Sero nervously scratched his neck. " I don't think so. Let's just find a place to sit while they order the rest off the food." Denki arched his eyebrows but shrugged his shoulders.

" Hey! Y/nnn!" Mina yelled pulling her earphones out. She peaked at her phone to see she was playing good for u. " Girl, are you okay? Your playing the 'in my feelings' playlist ain't you?" She grabbed her earphone. " No. This is a good song, okay?" Mina rolled her eyes. " Well, it's your turn to order. " Um- I'll have the Extra, extra, extra extreme spicy shrimp ramen with enoki mushrooms. " the woman nodded, putting her pen and paper in her apron. " Alright, your order number is 2345, please take a seat." She said as she made her way to the kitchen in the back. Katsuki glared. " Of course you had to get the only one hotter then mine." She rolled her eyes. " I don't even know what you ordered, I had earphones in." She said, holding up her earphones. Eventually they find their seats.

" Y/n." She looked up. " Yes, Katsuki?" She asked. " What's what happened yesterday with mo-" she slammed her hand on the table. " Nothing. Nothing happened. " he glared. " Don't fucking do that. You know you can tell me." She sighed. " She doesn't love me anymore, in fact she never wants to see me again." He frowned. " Well she was a bitch anyway so I think it's better this way. Your to good for her." Y/n smiled. " I guess. Hey, where's everyone at?" Katsuki pointed to the bathroom. " They all went in there to make a TikTok or something." Y/n nodded, the sound of the renegade ringing in her ear. " Oh god. That dance is so old." He smiled. " Why you smiling like that." She asked. " I just had the best idea."

-a/n- hey!! How are y'all doing? I great! I just wanted to say thank you for your support and I love ya ' blows fictional kisses' and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! The next one will be.. 🍵 anyway bye!!

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