"How's this one?" I asked walking out the bathroom to show her my dress
"Perfect. It's hot out too so you won't get too warm, and it's flirty enough" she nodded
I picked up a denim jacket and put on a pair of white converse
"So did you see Buckys face yesterday?" She asked while I tied the laces
"What?" I asked
"He was so jealous when you said you were dating" she explained
"Why would he be jealous?" I asked oblivious for once
"Oh my gods Ash. He likes you" she laughed
"No he doesn't. And besides, even if he did, it would be weird if we did date and anything would happen. I can't risk our frien-" she totally cut me off
"OH MY GOD! YOU LIKE HIM TOO!" She jumped up
"What! No! No no no, I don't!" I jumped up too
"Yes you do" she grinned
"I don't" I tried
"You so do" she said again
"I don't" I said
"You do" she smiled
"I do" I sighed and sat down

"What do I do?" I asked her
"You make him jealous enough that he says something" she told me fixing my hair for me
"And what then?" I asked
"Well, just be flirty but normal, when he's jealous enough he'll tell you he likes you, then you can try going on a date" she smiled
"And that'll work?" I asked skeptically
"Worked for me on Bruce" she smiled
"You guys are cute though" I smiled back

"Where are you going?" Bucky walked over to me when I walked into the common room with Nat to say bye
"On a date" I smiled
"Do you like it?" I asked him and spun so my dress would spin with me
"It's Uh- yeah you look good" he nodded taking a gulp
"Cool, we'll I'll see you all later" I said and went to leave
"Well I've got my own date too" steve called to me
"Oh, do you wanna walk down with me then?" I asked him
"Yeah sure" he nodded and walked to my side
"Bye Bucky" I smiled at my friend, no, crush, no friend. Gahhhhh!
I just walked off with Steve

"So where's your date?" Steve asked as we waited in the lift
"Um we're going to the cinema to watch some superhero film, and after we're going to an Italian restaurant. You?" I said
"To the theatre and a French restaurant" he smiled at how similar our dates were
"That'll be nice." I smiled too

We stepped out the tower and onto the street where two cars were waiting
"Good luck" I hugged him and we went our separate ways for the evening

(Buckys pov)
I sat down as Ash and Steve left the room.
Damn she looked so good. I wish things were different, because then maybe I could tell her that I'm totally in love with her.
"What ya thinking about there Bucky" Natasha asked sitting beside me
"Uh, nothing" I sat up
"Don't try shiting me, I can tell you like her" she told me and my head snapped to her
"I don't, how shhh" I scolded her in case someone heard
She chuckled to herself "Bucky. I'm trying to help you out here. Do you want to tell her or not?" She asked
"I do, but it'll ruin everything" I sighed in defeat
"Bucky, she's literally going on a date because she's looking for a boyfriend. She's known you a long time, and she's always stuck by you. Don't you think that is the start to a good relationship?" Natasha asked

I had to think about it for a second. I have known Ash for nearly a hundred years, that's just a slow blink for her. But it's been my entire life so far. And she's always been with me.
Whenever I was hurt she'd stay with me and heal me when Hydra wouldn't. She began to sleep with me when I started to get nightmares. She stuck with me in Wakanda because she wanted me to get better too
She's hilarious and a genius. She's beautiful and strong. She's just incredible.

"Yeah, yeah it probably is a good start" I smiled
"So why don't you try to convince her of that?" She asked
"Because she deserves so much more" I whispered sadly
"James. You are a great guy, and I know she loves you as friends, and I know she finds you attractive, told me so a while ago. Besides the point, you just need to sweep her off her feet. But do it slowly" she advised me
I nodded understanding

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