Chapter Three ▪︎ The Worst Possible Consequences

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If Regulus happened to succeed in getting out of this Nightmare House, what would Walburga do to stop it?

There was a million possibilities. And of course, Regulus' mind went to the worst possible consequences.

Number one, Walburga could go to the Potter's, kill everyone in the house and take Regulus. This one was less likely because Walburga knew to be discreet and not kill a whole family including five other children.

Number two, Walburga could go to the Potter's, threaten them and the Potter's would hand Regulus back over. This one was also unlikely as Euphemia and Flemaont did care about Regulus.

Number three, Walburga would catch on before he got to leave and hurt him badly. This one was very likely as she was a very talented legilimens.

Number four, Regulus would succeed with getting to the Potter's but Sirius would hate him and he'd have to live in a house with his brother who hated him until he moved out.

Number five, Walburga wouldn't let him go out if he did something wrong so he can't leave.

Regulus decided to stop after some gruesome thoughts made their way into his mind.

Barty had been making sure he was okay nearly every hour of the day. Regulus thought it was nice, in fact he found it quite charming, he would stare at his phone and wait for Barty to text him sometimes.

Regulus would await Barty's text while also thinking about the thoughts he had been having often. Regulus would look in the mirror and in his mind say "she." It was like he couldn't control himself but he whole face lit up when he said she.

He started to imagine himself as a girl. But it was almost like his mind was blocking him from seeing that. Regulus straightened his hair to make it look longer. He washed it straight after, not wanting his mother to know.

Regulus had found him in Sirius' old room one time, digging through the clothes he had left when leaving. Regulus found a dress, it was a summer dress with lots of flowers on. It looked a bit like something Evans would wear, he couldn't imagine Sirius in it or himself, but he liked it.

It did look nice on him. But maybe the colours weren't for him. Regulus soon came back to his mind that his mother could come in at any minute, he took it off and put it into his trunk that he normally used for Hogwarts but now he was using it for going to the Potter's.

When Kreacher came in one night to give Regulus his food, Regulus asked him to stay so he could explain that he was leaving.

"You can't tell anyone, not mother, not father, no one, got it?" Regulus asked. Kreacher nodded, coming closer. Regulus moved closer too. "I'm leaving. I'm not going out with Snape, I'm going out with my friends. Don't tell anyone. I wanted to tell you to say goodbye."

Kreacher didn't take it well but Regulus wasn't surprised. He wouldn't tell anyone, he knew that, but Kreacher wasn't happy.

Regulus knew that his parents wouldn't have anyone to give the fortune to after he left so they wouldn't change their wills. Regulus didn't really care about the fortune, he wanted to be out and if he inherited it, he'd sell the house and buy a new, nicer one. Maybe with Barty.

Regulus convinced himself he meant with Barty because he didn't want him to be in the same house as his horrible dad.

"Regulus." Walburga called from downstairs, Regulus sighed. He really didn't want to go downstairs. Regulus left his bedroom, walking down the stairs, finding his mother and father in the dining room.

"Yes, mother?" Regulus asked, peeking around the door. Walburga gestured to a seat infront of her and Orion. Orion didn't look fully there, mostly because whiskey was placed in front of him, Merlin knows how long he'd been drunk that day.

"We want to talk to you about marriage."

Regulus was dreading this. At one point they'd spoken about marrying Narcissa, his own cousin! But Walburga had found out her and Lucius were getting married (thank Merlin.) Bellatrix had been a candidate until she married Rodolphus so there wasn't really many people much much keep their blood pure. Except Barty.

Regulus shocked himself with that thought, not letting his guard down with his mother and father though.

"Is there anyone you're interested in?" Walburga asked Regulus. Regulus would never actually tell her if he was attracted to someone because most likely it wouldn't be someone she'd approve of. He thought back to the time he liked Dorcas and he basically shivered with the thought of being with her.

"No, not really." Regulus said, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. Orion made a noise that sounded like a laugh. Walburga glared at him.

"What's so funny, Orion?" Walburga snapped.

"The fact the Black bloodline is gonna end. And even if it doesn't, I know for a fact it won't be from Regulus. Atleast Sirius has the balls to stand up against you and shag a boy." Orion chuckled, sipping his whiskey.

Walburga was fuming. She basically had steam coning out of her ears. Regulus looked down at the table, fighting a smirk or a laugh. Orion sighed sharply.

"You know, I wouldn't be surprised if Regulus was shagging a boy either. I mean look at him."

Regulus looked up at this, Walburga was fuming at them both, Orion and Regulus. Regulus hadn't even did anything. Orion sighed, dropping the glass on the counter, smashing. Walburga looked between the two men.

Walburga left soon after. Orion looked at Regulus, clearly drunk out of his mind. "She's batshit crazy, you go shag a boy, like I give a fuck, you're probably planning on leaving anyways. I literally do not give one shit about what you do." Orion slurred. Regulus removed himself from the room, going to the comfort of his own.

Regulus picked up his phone and got into bed. Dorcas and Barty were calling on the groupchat, Pandora had said she was planting some flower and that she would be a couple of minutes. Regulus joined the call, propping his phone up on the pillow.

"Hey, Reg." Dorcas smiled. She was sitting on a counter at the Potter's. Regulus remembered from the time Walburga, Orion and him had used floo to pick up Sirius when he didn't ask if he could stay at the Potter's for Christmas.

He could see Marlene too, she was needing some dough with Euphemia. Euphemia smiled at Regulus, waving. Regulus smiled back, not wanting to wave and look weird.

"Hi. I just had the weirdest conversation with my parents ever. I'll tell you later." Regulus hummed. Dorcas nodded. Barty was quiet, seemingly also making something in the kitchen.

"I don't have eggs." Barty complained. Euphemia shook her head, smiling slightly. Marlene seemed to be completely ignoring the call, Regulus imagined she wasn't before he had joined.

"We're making chocolate cookies. Are you allowed in your kitchen?" Dorcas asked, taking a drink of whatever she was drinking. Regulus slowly nodded.

"Are you allowed to make things in the kitchen?" Dorcas asked. Regulus nodded again. Dorcas smiled. "Great, make cookies with us."

Regulus got out form his bed, taking his phone with him. He went down the stairs and went into the kitchen where Kreacher was. Kreacher left. He placed his phone upright and got out a bowl.

"What do I need?" Regulus asked, getting out measuring cups and scales too. Euphemia began to tell him the ingredients he needed and their measurements.

He rolled the cookie mix in his hands to make balls. He placed the first one onto the tray, patting it down gently. Barty had been talking about a rat he saw in the pet shop at Diagon Alley and that he had been saving up for it.

Regulus placed the tray into the oven.

The Reflection I See Isn't Mine ▪︎ Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now